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Need help with large samples

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I found install files for PC Tools AV and SD on a customer's computer. Neither one was picked up by a direct MBAM full scan of their folder, however the .exes are too large for me to upload either here or any of the posted scanning sites; the smaller one is ~35MB when zipped/rar'd (which does very little). Any advice on how to provide these samples?

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I've never seen a 'rogue' executable that big before. I think those files could be PC Tools Antivirus and Spyware Doctor, which are not actually rogue applications.

Does bloatware count? :) :)


They have a forum. Other then that they probably expect $$$.

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Actually PC Tools is a legitimate company, and Spyware Doctor is one of their programs.

When I used SD, it was bloated, and slowed my computer down very, very badly. I was able to find a contact email for them, although at least at the time, it was very difficult to find one. They did get back to me and were courteous and gave me a refund when I explained that I was unable to use their product due to the fact that I could barely use my computer with it running.

I didn't know they were bought by Symantec?

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