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Infected with Malware ASM also some general newbie questions

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First Malaware is the best program bar none.

My situation is this. I can't get on the internet recently took out some Fake anti virus stuff about a month ago. But now I have something called asam.exe. I can't update malaware and get updates so I can get rid of this. SO what should be my first step. Going back to a restore point?

Is ther a way to update Malaware without being online? Download a packet somehow.?

What is OTL anyway?

And what is Germ? (I think thats what its called)

Need some help.

Thanks to all.

After this going to make the jump to pro malaware.

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First Malaware is the best program bar none.

My situation is this. I can't get on the internet recently took out some Fake anti virus stuff about a month ago. But now I have something called asam.exe. I can't update malaware and get updates so I can get rid of this. SO what should be my first step. Going back to a restore point?

Is ther a way to update Malaware without being online? Download a packet somehow.?

What is OTL anyway?

And what is Germ? (I think thats what its called)

Need some help.

Thanks to all.

After this going to make the jump to pro malaware.

I'm on vista :)

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Welcome stronglike -

This process can create, delete or modify files on the disk and is still there - It is a bad infection - Please follow these directions below -

If needed can you use Safe mode with Networking to reply -

As we don't work on Malware removal or diagnostics in the general forums these are the directions to follow -

Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank You - :)

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It was pretty bad. The asam.exe file is there but inactive. I went back to a restore point like a month ago. and it didn't work. I still can't get on the internet.

Something interesting that might be helpful.

Is I ran Malaware about two weeks ago when some threats arise and it got rid of the current threats, I could get online but only through Firefox.

Then when this asam.exe popped up about 4/18/10. Malaware got rid of that(even though for some reason the exe file is still there), and then when I restarted, I couldn't get on the internet at all, but could connect to my local network.

Is something in quarantine that shouldn't be?

I have a way of backing up everything. Would it be more advisable to just blow everthing out and reinstall?

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Hi stronglike -

You should never try to remove any infection by using System Restore -

As the infection will still exist in your computer - Please follow the above advice so that we can remove and repair your problem -

A reinstall is usually not required once the experts remove that infection -

Thank You - :)

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Since I can't update Malaware via the internet on laptop. If I download the latest and greatest Malaware.exe file on my desktop then move it over to my laptop. And then uninstall and then reinstall (malaware) with this one will it give me the latest definitions I need in order to clean my system the most effectively?

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Hi -

No - The updates are downloaded from the internet every time you click on the update tab -

You can always do like you did from another computer , but you will never be fully updated unless you are on line -

The current version is 4036 -

Thanks - :)


From mountaintree16 - ISSUE: #4 I need to get the latest database onto a computer that cannot access the Internet.

SOLUTION: You can manually copy the database from a working computer using a flash drive or CD onto the infected PC. Our database file is stored in the following locations.

Windows XP and 2000

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

You can also download a manual update from here - NOTE: This manual update will always be way behind in version level compared to updates from within the program

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Hello there stronglike :)

I tried to reply to you - twice - about four hours ago but the stupid internet or something kept cutting me off!!

Anyway, please go here:


And follow the directions for Issue #4.

Let me know if that does the trick for you as far as getting an update copy of Mbam on the computer that can't go online. If you have access to a CD burner, I would recommend burning the mbam .exe file & the rules.ref to CD vs. using a flash drive, just in case.

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