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Chuck Norris

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I like some of the Chuck Norris related ones on the Jack Bauer list of 'Facts':

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice. Jack Bauer would meanwhile do something important.
Jack Bauer named his cat 'Chuck Norris.' Why? Because He's a pussy.
When Chuck Norris files his taxes, he sends in a blank return and a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has never had to pay taxes. This year, however, the IRS sent him back a picture of Jack Bauer wearing his dark sunglasses. The next day, Chuck Norris pled guilty to multiple counts of tax evasion.
When Jack Bauer is looking for a good laugh, he watches Chuck Norris work out on his Total Gym.

There's like 2800 of these, tho obviously not all related to Chuck, but some are hilarious.

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The square root of negative infinity divided by zero equals Chuck Norris .

While scientists dont understand what dark matter and dark energy are they do know that Chuck Norris has something to do with them .

In physics class when they talk about

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The square root of negative infinity divided by zero equals Chuck Norris .

While scientists dont understand what dark matter and dark energy are they do know that Chuck Norris has something to do with them .

In physics class when they talk about

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