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Need help with this programme

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Hey guys i am new to this forum and have just downloaded the malware bytes programme as today when i scanned my computer through AVG i got a Trojan Horse FakeAlert. I ran the quick scan through malware and it picked the 2 fake alerts up. What do i do now?

At the moment i'm on the results page. where it says it has found 2 rogue installers. Do i click 'Remove selected' or do something else. While i'm on the scan results page

i can not click on any of the icons on the top such as quarantine and logs. Its only when i go to the main menu i can click them but then i loose all the data from the scan. When i save log it just goes onto a notepad and i have to go into the malware bytes file to see it and then i can't do anything with it than just look at it.

Does anyone know what i should do?

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Hello Nicky2010, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :(

I am having a little trouble understanding your question. Are you asking if you should check-off the rogue installers once the scan has completed on the scan results screen and choose "remove selected"? If so, yes, you definitely need to click "remove selected".

If this is not what you are asking, could you please explain in a little more detail what you mean?

As for not being able to click the tabs before you have chosen to do something with the scan results or not, this is the way Malwarebytes works; you can only have one tab open at a time. And when you are running a scan (and this includes the screen where the scan has finished and you are deciding what to do with the results) Malwarebytes is not designed to allow you to click another tab until you have completed the scan (and in your case and in the case of anyone who gets scan results or even if you don't get scan results, choosing to do something with the results or choosing to exit the scan results page, whether or not something was found).

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page.

Thank you B)

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Hi Nicky -

Always click on the remove tab to get rid of these problems - Your AVG will never pick up all the problems that Malwarebytes finds -

The log from Malwarebytes is just the history of your previous scans -

Remove the problem and run another Quick Scan to make sure the problems are gone -

Thank You - :(

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