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Hi -

The data base will always grow as more infections are discovered and entered into the program -

You download the full data base every time you click on update , not just a few add ons - This is the best way to ensure you have the Full program -

If you have the latest updates then when you click on updates it will tell you, other wise the Full data base is added to with every update -

This can be added to 2 or 3 or even 4 times every day, so that is why you are asked to update prior to doing a scan -

Thank You - :)

EDIT - In Version 1.33 the data base and Full Program base was about 2.61M - Since then there has been many more infections discovered and added to the data base - :) - Now it is about 5.64M with the full program included -

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In versions 1.44 and prior, the database was listed in KB, and instead it is now listed in MB, and I am pretty sure that this would account for the apparent large increase in download size if you are unfamiliar with conversion from KB to MB. Of course, over time, the size of the database will increase anyway, due to the addition of new threats that are being detected.

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@ Buttons

You're welcome :) I just hope I didn't confuse anyone with my wording, I had to edit it 3-4 times before I finally got it right. I think it is explained quite well now, hehe.

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