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Mbam error expanding variables (0,9)

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Hello aussie39 :lol:

Please do the following, I'm not asking that you change anything on your system, simply that you provide information as I have installed both 1.45 and 1.46 on several XP SP3 systems and I've yet to be able to replicate the issue being reported here:

Create an Autoruns Log:

  • Please download Sysinternals Autoruns from here and save it to your desktop.
    • Note: If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 then you also need to do the following:
      1. Right-click on Autoruns.exe and select Properties
      2. Click on the Compatibility tab
      3. Under Privilege Level check the box next to Run this program as an administrator
      4. Click on Apply then click OK

    [*]Double-click Autoruns.exe to run it.

    [*]Once it starts, please press the Esc key on your keyboard.

    [*]Now that scanning is stopped, click on the Options button at the top of the program and select Verify Code Signatures

    [*]Once that's done press the F5 key on your keyboard, this will start the scan again, this time let it finish.

    [*]When it's finished, please click on the File button at the top of the program and select Save and save the Autoruns.arn file to your desktop and close Autoruns.

    [*]Right click on the Autoruns.arn file on your desktop and hover your mouse over Send To and select Compressed (zipped) Folder

    [*]Attach the Autoruns.zip folder you just created to your next reply

Provide System Specifications:

  • Please download Speccy from here and save the installer to your desktop or another location where you can easily find it.
  • Double-click the file to begin installation and follow the onscreen steps to complete the installation and make sure that the checkbox next to Run Speccy is checked before you click on Finish at the end.
  • Once the program starts it will analyze your system, please be patient as it may take a few moments to complete.
  • Once it finishes and none of the areas say Analyzing click on the File button at the top and select Save Snapshot...
  • Save the file to your desktop and click Ok to confirm
  • Go to your desktop and right click on the file you just created and hover over Send to and select Compressed (zipped) Folder
  • Please attach the zip file you just created to your next post

Create a batch file:

  • Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):
    @color 48
    @echo off
    reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /s>>"%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /s>>"%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /s>>"%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    net start>>"%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    del /f /q "%userprofile%\desktop\Info.txt"
    del /f /q %0

    Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...

  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file Check.bat (the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Once it finishes it will open the file it created in notepad, please copy and paste the file's contents into your next reply.

Thanks :unsure:

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Hello aussie39 :unsure:

Please do the following, I'm not asking that you change anything on your system, simply that you provide information as I have installed both 1.45 and 1.46 on several XP SP3 systems and I've yet to be able to replicate the issue being reported here:

Create an Autoruns Log:

  • Please download Sysinternals Autoruns from here and save it to your desktop.
    • Note: If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 then you also need to do the following:
      1. Right-click on Autoruns.exe and select Properties
      2. Click on the Compatibility tab
      3. Under Privilege Level check the box next to Run this program as an administrator
      4. Click on Apply then click OK

    [*]Double-click Autoruns.exe to run it.

    [*]Once it starts, please press the Esc key on your keyboard.

    [*]Now that scanning is stopped, click on the Options button at the top of the program and select Verify Code Signatures

    [*]Once that's done press the F5 key on your keyboard, this will start the scan again, this time let it finish.

    [*]When it's finished, please click on the File button at the top of the program and select Save and save the Autoruns.arn file to your desktop and close Autoruns.

    [*]Right click on the Autoruns.arn file on your desktop and hover your mouse over Send To and select Compressed (zipped) Folder

    [*]Attach the Autoruns.zip folder you just created to your next reply

Provide System Specifications:

  • Please download Speccy from here and save the installer to your desktop or another location where you can easily find it.
  • Double-click the file to begin installation and follow the onscreen steps to complete the installation and make sure that the checkbox next to Run Speccy is checked before you click on Finish at the end.
  • Once the program starts it will analyze your system, please be patient as it may take a few moments to complete.
  • Once it finishes and none of the areas say Analyzing click on the File button at the top and select Save Snapshot...
  • Save the file to your desktop and click Ok to confirm
  • Go to your desktop and right click on the file you just created and hover over Send to and select Compressed (zipped) Folder
  • Please attach the zip file you just created to your next post

Create a batch file:

[*]Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):

ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Administrator
Path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3\;C:\Program Files\Universal Extractor;C:\Program Files\Universal Extractor\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcSoft\Bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
AppData REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data
Cookies REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies
Desktop REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop
Favorites REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites
NetHood REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\NetHood
Personal REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents
PrintHood REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\PrintHood
Recent REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Recent
SendTo REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo
Start Menu REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu
Templates REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Templates
Programs REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs
Startup REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Local Settings REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings
Local AppData REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data
Cache REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
History REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\History
My Pictures REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures
My Music REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Music
CD Burning REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning
My Video REG_SZ
Administrative Tools REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
AppData REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
Programs REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
Startup REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
My Pictures REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
Local Settings REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings
Local AppData REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
Cache REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
History REG_EXPAND_SZ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\New


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
Common AppData REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
Common Programs REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
Common Documents REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents
Common Desktop REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
Common Start Menu REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
CommonPictures REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures
CommonMusic REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music
CommonVideo REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Videos
Common Favorites REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites
Common Startup REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Common Templates REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates
Common Administrative Tools REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
Common Programs REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
Common Startup REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Common AppData REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data
Common Templates REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Templates
Common Favorites REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Favorites
Common Documents REG_EXPAND_SZ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents
These Windows services are started:

Application Layer Gateway Service
Atheros Configuration Service
Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
COM+ Event System
Computer Browser
Cryptographic Services
DCOM Server Process Launcher
DHCP Client
Distributed Link Tracking Client
DNS Client
Error Reporting Service
Event Log
Help and Support
HID Input Service
IPSEC Services
Java Quick Starter
Logical Disk Manager
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Plug and Play
Print Spooler
Protected Storage
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Secondary Logon
Security Accounts Manager
Security Center
Shell Hardware Detection
SSDP Discovery Service
System Event Notification
Task Scheduler
Terminal Services
User Profile Hive Cleanup
Windows Audio
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Windows Management Instrumentation

The command completed successfully.



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i have to agree with aussie39

its not our system

theres something wrong with the programm :/

i have vista so it has nothing to do that he has a problem on xp!

and 1.44 works just fine but that doesnt help me either cuz without updates its not really good :/

and as you can see there are alot of people woh get the same errors !

and i dont think all those people did something worng with their system haha x)

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I never said that anyone did anything wrong with their systems, but there's obviously something unique to these systems that is causing this, otherwise it would fail with the same error on everyones' systems. The problem likely is in the installer or the program itself, but without figuring out the common factor that's causing it on these Windows installations, there's no way to fix it.

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Seems we are getting the bump on this one folks. If you really need Malewarebytes that badly, then just reinstall your OS. Yeah, I know...a royal pain in the wazoo. But until they come up with a fix for this hack job, it seems to be the only thing that works. The guy that sabotaged Malwarebytes should be dragged through a gravel parking lot naked tied to the bumber of a car. That ought to teach him some manners!

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I tried JerryDee's solution even before he posted but still unable to get things up. After seeing him being successful, I went to try again but same result.

My XP Mode has no problem installing MBAM using 1.46.

And 1 of my Win7 32-bit system can install without any problem, while 3 of my Win7 32-bit system is facing problem:

1. One installed with Antivirus programs(AVG/MSE/Avira/AVAST/COMODO/Adaware) with all on-access disabled. (dual booted with the one that can work)

2. One is fully built workstation with Windows Firewall turned on - no security software installed. (dual boot with system #3)

3. One completed clean install. (dual boot with system #2)

What I did:

1. Ran through registry fixing with CCleaner and Auslogics + clearing all temporary files with CCleaner.

2. Used MBAM-Clean.exe too as mentioned in other posts.

3. Compatibility mode of the 1.46 to Windows XP (Service Pack 2 & 3), ran as administrator.

All the above result in the same error message.

Anyway this is just a post to share with what I've done to trying resolving the error. You all can try it, although it doesn't work on mine.

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Seems we are getting the bump on this one folks. If you really need Malewarebytes that badly, then just reinstall your OS. Yeah, I know...a royal pain in the wazoo. But until they come up with a fix for this hack job, it seems to be the only thing that works. The guy that sabotaged Malwarebytes should be dragged through a gravel parking lot naked tied to the bumber of a car. That ought to teach him some manners!

Hello metalogic -

As a long time user of Malwarebytes , so far I have Never encountered any of the problems you are listing -

Quite often you will find it is due to conflicting installed programs, or Un installed items that are required for your system to operate normally -

Reinstalling your O/S may be your preference but I still have my first install and have never wanted to reinstall my O/S -

There is Always a solution to these minor problems (even Kaspersky and other big named programs have dramas at times) -

As you may read from my signature I only use basic programs and none of these ever cause any problems -

This is not a 'Hack Job' program as millions of people (most users) Never have any problems -

It is still downloading at over half a million hits per week , and we only ever see a few dozen problems here - Most are either Infection or Operating System related , not program related problems - This program has saved many people from developing further problems -

I hope you solve your problems or , if not , then I wish you good luck with another program that works for you -

Thank you if you took the time to read this - :) And all the best for the future -

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Had the SAME problem on two different, CLEAN systems. Definitely something wrong with the latest version.

Tried all the fixes suggested, nothing worked. The ONLY solution for me was to:

-create a NEW user account with admin privileges

-log into that account, install MBAM application, run, update

-log back into your regular account - it should run fine now.

Good luck all!

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Hi loveless19 -

The only reason Malwarebytes will not allow access to some sites is if you have the paid version and the IP Blocking is active -

The free version can not block access to any sites at all - You must have another program blocking or you have an infection -

Thank You -

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had this problem for ages on a virtual machine i use for testing software, until yesterday when i installed some stuff and then it worked. Unfortunately this morning i reverted to an old snapshot without thinking and now it doesn't work again. But, the systems that can't run mbam must be missing something really basic, like .net framework(s) or mfc libraries or something like that, from what i remember about what i installed. I might try and find out what solves the problem, if i can be bothered. I reckon there's about a 15% chance of me ever appearing on this forum again... :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed today when I did a routine scan of my windows xp pro system in safemode I get this error. strange part is I get it only in safemode. When I run my normal user account it works fine.

When i goto open Malwarebytes in safe mode I get


and If I click ok then I get.


the system cannon find the path specified.

hit ok again closed app.

I tried unisntalling, running the mbam cleaner and rebooting downloading a new copy and installing it. ran update and did a scan it came back clean but when i login to my admin account in safemode it will not run.



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I'd like to point out that I tried installing a older version of Mbytes and it did work just fine under the main system admin account. yet once I updated it to the new version 1.46 it will not run under my system admin account. yet the program runs just fine under admin user account. the program runs just fine and updates. but it's just when i am in safe mode that I run into problems and like I said ONLY in the System Admin account. strange.

I did look and made sure that the following files on the system and are.



Question did they change the program to not work in the safe mode anymore?

is someone looking into this and going to fix it?

Running Windows xp pro service pack 3,

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I'd need to get an export of the registry entries for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in the user account that Malwarebytes' is not working in. We can do this via Personal Messenger as I do not want your settings or ID and Key being exposed in public.

Please let me know if you wish to proceed or not, and if you do I'll PM you with instructions.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have Windows 7 Ultimate and get the same error messages as above:


When I click on OK it downloads the updates but then goes to the :


I have followed the instructions above, Uninstalled MBAM, rebooted, ran the cleanup tool, rebooted, reinstalled and absolutly no change.

Has anyone got an actual solution to this problem?



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@ AlanW

you may try the instructions below see if it helps.....


MBAM_ERROR_MISSING_FILE (3,0, mbamswissarmy.sys)

The system cannot find the path specified.

Here's a fix that exile360 made, it is universal for XP, Vista and Windows 7 and should fix the problem:

Note: If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 you MUST right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator".

  • Please copy and paste the following text in the Code box exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):
    @color 48
    @echo off
    if exist "%allusersprofile%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" md "%allusersprofile%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    if not exist "%allusersprofile%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" md "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    if exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" md "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" md "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    del /f /q %0

  • Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...
  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file Fix.bat (the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it if using Windows XP. If using Windows Vista or Windows 7 you MUST right-click on the file and select Run as administrator otherwise it will not work.
  • Once that's complete try running Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware again to see if it now works without error or not.

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