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Hi there,

I've tried to follow the Malwarebyte Instructions:

I ran MBAM, but it detected nothing. I tried to update MBAM, but got an error message. Ran Defogger. Did GMER Rootkit Scanner. DDS.txt and MBAM logs are below. Attach.txt is zipped & attached. Was not able to get ark.txt file, but I've attached a file (logs_info.txt) with some data that may help.

Thank you very much for your help!

James Roninger

DDS (Ver_10-03-17.01) - NTFSx86

Run by der Schatten at 20:20:01.08 on Mon 03/29/2010

Internet Explorer: 7.0.6001.18000




Edited by AdvancedSetup
Phone number removed for safety purposes
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