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Hello all, was wonderin if anyone knows how to prevent or locate people who try to port scan our pc's.

It happens to me at least twice a day and i don't know what i can do about it.

As an example, i will post an IP address of an attempt to enter my pc.

Thanx in advance to anyone who knows what can be done. :D

Edited by MegadetH
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Are you behind a firewall B)?

yes i am. winxp sp2, avast anti virus and panda software. Panda is the one that tells me intrusion attempt.

It says it will block the invading IP for 10 minutes. Seems about 5 diff IPs that are trying to invade me.

Wanna know if i can trojan em or crash the user or whatever. Basically want the user to think twice before invading me.

And btw, after surfing this website a bit, I did some research and managed to get rid of all my popups! :D

Thanx a bunch :D

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Well i still have popups and that damn se.dll in my windows/temp folder (I,m sure u know what i mean) and still have rundll32.exe in the background. Don't understand cause yesterday i didn't have all this come back.

I think i't's firefox thats infected cause under IE i had no popups. Avast is constantly flushing viruses,but obviously i'm doing something wrong as all this crap has comeback. Hopefully u guys can help me out as ive seen uguys know ur stuff. Thanx in advance and thank you for helping us "not so proficient" computer users.

:D:D B)

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  • Root Admin

Hello again,

Seems that is where your problem is coming from, but good news, this virus is completely removable.

Please post a Hijack This log in the Malware Removal forum and somebody will help you very quickly. (Trying to keep some organization at this forum :D)

Thank you very much.

Hijack This Download http://www.malwarebytes.org/downloads/hijackthis.zip

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