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Windows XP Kaspersky Mbam Freeze

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Ah, I see. Thanks for the additional info :P. I'm going to do some tests as well to see if I can replicate the problem, as I said though, mountaintree16 uses them together on XP and she's never had this issue so it does not seem to affect all systems. Hopefully MBAM's developers or KL's developers can figure out what's going on and get it resolved.

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Would you like me to work with your or Cindy or someone else on this? Here or on your site or email?

Provide me with a link to the exact same software you are using and I'll test it as well on XP Pro w/SP3

Here is fine Ron as I think this is a better venue.....Cindy belongs here as well so we could get her into the thread as you correctly assumed she is the other Mod with an issue.

When you say software used do you mean all programs or specific builds of Kav and Mbam?

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Here is fine Ron as I think this is a better venue.....Cindy belongs here as well so we could get her into the thread as you correctly assumed she is the other Mod with an issue.

When you say software used do you mean all programs or specific builds of K av and Mbam?

Actually rather than go round and round on this issue, I was trying really to find out if this is a known problem and if the new build due in a few weeks as I have read, will fix this rather than dragging us through all these steps again....I am a reseller and I really don't get why I can't seem to come up with the beta to test in which case none of this would be necessary while I wait for new build. I have to believe the issues will be solved I am just really looking for confirmation it is a known issue and will be fixed.

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@ mylanta3

I have KAV 2010, version 9. something.. I can edit this post when I am at my computer again and give you the exact version number, if that would be helpful :P

Edit: Also if there is anything that I could possibly help with in testing I'd be happy to try, depending on what it is. I am sick of my occasional freezes, I'd like them to stop too. I don't have the severity of the freezing problem that you are experiencing of course, but, I'd still like to help and help us all :)

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Just the exact KAV/KIS whatever they call it. I've been doing this a while and they have WAY too many versions to guess you're using the same one.

Kaspersky Antivirus 2010 and if you download the trial version, that is exactly what we are using. Whether you have a subscription or use the trial in both cases they download the same thing and then do a massive update that takes forever that has to be about 90 meg. Why they don't have newer versions on cd or at their site is really bizarre to me. I would be glad to give you a key but it would not matter as I downloaded both and they are identical.

Version (a.:P which is where you will come out after the update....

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@ mylanta3

I have KAV 2010, version 9. something.. I can edit this post when I am at my computer again and give you the exact version number, if that would be helpful :P

Edit: Also if there is anything that I could possibly help with in testing I'd be happy to try, depending on what it is. I am sick of my occasional freezes, I'd like them to stop too. I don't have the severity of the freezing problem that you are experiencing of course, but, I'd still like to help and help us all :)

By chance are you running Mbam Pro and are you on XP?

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Yes. XP SP3 and Mbam Pro :P

Would you mind using the ADD REPLY button please? Just write @username when replying, I'll know what you're replying about.

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  • Root Admin

That is what I'm telling you. There is no go round and round. So far you are the only person that seems to not be able to make it work. We've provided you with information on how to set it up and it is either not working for you or is some new issue that no other user is reporting.

If it is due to an internal issue of our program I'll give you a free license out of my own pocket. However I seriously doubt that will be the issue otherwise we'd be flocked with users wanting a refund. There are over 1/2 a million downloads of our product daily.

I'm 99.99% sure it simply has to do with setting up file and folder exclusions for the program. Though there are some modified versions that do not allow setting file and folder exclusions but those are typically installed by cheap ISP companies and I don't think Kaspersky does that with any retail product. If the program does not allow file and folder exclusions then it could very well freeze or lock up, but again that is due to the Anti-Virus program not allowing exclusions.

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OK that is what I am trying to find out, am I alone first of all. The other thing is will the new version change anything that might solve this. As a reseller I do not want to be installing a program and making all these changes on client pc's, I could care less about my own, I am a big boy! If you believe it lies in the folder exclusions, Kaspersky feels it lies in the ip checking but I have been told each program does that differently. I have 4 techs with me who have the issue on multiple pc's but I am the only one I know of who tried all the settings.

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Also, just to clarify to you, mylanta3, and everyone else, I am NOT having the EXACT same issue.

My issue usually happens when I am already in the midst of browsing, and the computer will temporarily lock up for 30 seconds to 3 minutes (one time was almost 8 minutes, I was almost ready to press the power button), but it does come out of it if I wait.

Like Exile has stated, we've determined its most likely the background scan/rootkit background scan and/or when its updating, although its hard to tell for sure.

Last night I did disable protections in my Spyware Blaster and Spy Bot immunizations to see if that will help at all, and also I switched my main browser a few weeks or so ago to see if that would help, since Firefox was using A LOT of memory. Switching my browser has helped a lot, but I am still experiencing some locking up from time to time, usually just 30 to 60 seconds.

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  • Root Admin

There is NO change in our program old or new that can address a freeze or lockup due to another Anti-Malware or Anti-Virus program that has kernel level drivers that can reach out and stop or block us. An IP block should not freeze the computer, only the current Website you're attempting to access. If you're on a slow computer it might take a while to resume but you should be able to run other applications while that IP block is going on - just to show the PC is not locking up.

We could just as easily reach out and block Kaspersky from running but we know they're an AV and we trust them, they should do the same for us, but since we don't control them there isn't much we can do about that.

You can read their own list of other security applications that they do not want installed along with their program, just as McAfee and NOD32 have a similar list. I suppose they cannot be bothered with setting up internal exclusions for well known other security applications.

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Have you tried simply turning off MBAM's IP blocker to see if that resolves it?

Again remember you cannot do that permanently yet but yes I have done that and it makes no difference. I was told that the abiloity to turn that off and keep it off is in the current beta they won't let me see or tell me about.

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  • Root Admin

IP Protection Module


Registry Switches for Controlling IP-Blocking

Create the indicated registry value (labeled as key | value) with the indicated data and reboot to enforce the policies below. All of the values are of type DWORD

In order to create a registry value, open the Registry Editor (Click on Start -> Run -> and type in REGEDIT.EXE)

Browse to the key listed, and then right-click in the right-hand panel and choose New -> DWORD and create one of the listed keys and set the value as shown.

    x86 32 Bit Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    x64 64 Bit Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  1. silentipmode
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, the protection module will block and log IPs silently.
  2. startipdisabled
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will start disabled on reboot, although it can be enabled subsequently.
  3. disableipblocking
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will be permanently disabled (cannot be toggled).

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ROFL - Actually no I didn't realize it was you, I was thinking of someone from the Kaspersky Labs. Hi Rich.

But to be honest, no I did not read that post, as I really only read a few that peak an interest.

I'll take a read and give you my thoughts if needed.

The only reason I ever ended up on your board was from Seth, whom appears to have vanished.

Don't feel bad Ron. Rich did not know it was you as well on KH. Until I mention it last week..... :P

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Thanks Ron, I will print this out and try it tomorrow....

IP Protection Module


Registry Switches for Controlling IP-Blocking

Create the indicated registry value (labeled as key | value) with the indicated data and reboot to enforce the policies below. All of the values are of type DWORD

In order to create a registry value, open the Registry Editor (Click on Start -> Run -> and type in REGEDIT.EXE)

Browse to the key listed, and then right-click in the right-hand panel and choose New -> DWORD and create one of the listed keys and set the value as shown.

  1. x86 32 Bit Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    x64 64 Bit Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  2. silentipmode
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, the protection module will block and log IPs silently.
  3. startipdisabled
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will start disabled on reboot, although it can be enabled subsequently.
  4. disableipblocking
    Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will be permanently disabled (cannot be toggled).

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As I have said there is no detail. Install Mbam to an XP pc with Kav2010 on it and total debilitating freeze on 7 pc's that would only correct by pulling the plug and uninstalling in safe mode. There is no other story. I don't think this is so hard to grasp.

Has anyone a clue incidentally why with every post I stay at 36? I also just went from 48 to 36 a few minutes ago and am staying there no matter what I post.

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  • Root Admin

Post count has nothing to do with the issue. I also do not think it is IP related.

Run the following.

Please try this on the computer that is having an issue.

1. Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware using Add/Remove programs in the control panel.

2. Restart your computer (very important).

3. Download and run this utility. mbam-clean.exe

4. It will ask to restart your computer (please allow it to).

5. After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your AV and install the latest version from here. mbam-setup.exe

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent

Launch the program and set the Registration but do not enable the protection module. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

6. Then start your AV and setup the file and folder exclusions as shown in the FAQ

7. Then launch MBAM again and enable the protection module.

Then, restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray and that you can run a quick scan and all is working as expected.

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