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Error code 732 (0,0)

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Hi all

I'm sorry I 'hijacked' another similar thread. My Apologies

I cannot update MBAM on all my computers and I got error code 732 (0,0)

MBAM has fully access to the internet. I do not use proxies and no Personal Firewalls are blocking MBAM.


Laptop with Windows 7 Home premium 64 bitt and laptop with Windows Vista Home premium SP2 32 bit

Firefox 3.6 + adblock plus + WOT

ESET NOD 32 v.4

JavaCool SpywareBlaster 4.2

PC Tools Firewall Plus 6

WinPatrol 2010

Sandboxie 3.44

RETURNIL Home lux 2010 (antivirus built in disabled)

on demand a-squared free 4.5

Dekstop PC With Windows 7 Ultimate edition 32 bit

Firefox 3.6 + adblock plus + WOT

Gdata Antivirus 2010

PC Tools Firewall Plus 6.0

WinPatrol 2010

Sanboxie 3.44

PREVX Safe OnLine 3.05.85

All my systems are fully up to date, Sun Java JRE, Adobe Reader and Flash Player are up to date.

I practice safe surfing, I do not use P2P software or torrents, I scan every single software I want to install, autorun is disabled and I do not use IM software

I hardly believe my systems are infected and I do not think this is a coincidence





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Greetings leofelix :)

Please try the following and let me know how it goes:

For Windows XP:

Click on START - RUN and type in or Copy/Paste the following and verify that you get a response

CMD.EXE /K PING mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org

For Windows Vista or Windows 7:

Click on START and in the search line type in CMD and press the Enter key

Then in the DOS console window type in the following and press the Enter key and verify that you get a response

PING mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org

Thanks :)

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Hello exile360

I've Just followed the steps you provided.

I cannot ping the server (see attached image, please. In Italian: "Richiesta scaduta" stands for Request Expired)

I'm under a Router at home, yesterday I could perfectly update MBAM (same configuration)



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Hello again :)

Please do the following so I can get a bit of additional info about why it's timing out:

  • Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):
    @echo off
    tracert mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org>"%userprofile%\desktop\check.txt"
    del /f /q "%userprofile%\desktop\check.txt"
    del /f /q %0

    Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...

  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file Check.bat (the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Once it finishes it will open the file it created in notepad, please copy and paste the file's contents into your next reply.

Thanks :)

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i'm italian too.this problem seems happened to all italian users :)

same error,same problem,same solutions suggested,but nothing.

the only way to update,for me,is using a proxy server(or free progam like ULTRASURF)or chenge DNS(in my case,using OPEN DNS)

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i'm italian too.this problem seems happened to all italian users :)

same error,same problem,same solutions suggested,but nothing.

the only way to update,for me,is using a proxy server(or free progam like ULTRASURF)or chenge DNS(in my case,using OPEN DNS)

Hi welcome:-)

I'm starting to think that this is a problem for italian only (or some europeans at least)

Even user Chaos is italian and he faces the same issue.

Translation into italian:

Ciao, benvenuto:-)

Sto inziando a sospettare che questo sia un problema solo per noi italiani (o solo di alcuni europei)

Anche l'utente Chaos

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Hi welcome:-)

I'm starting to think that this is a problem for italian only (or some europeans at least)

Even user Chaos is italian and he faces the same issue.

Translation into italian:

Ciao, benvenuto:-)

Sto inziando a sospettare che questo sia un problema solo per noi italiani (o solo di alcuni europei)

Anche l'utente Chaos

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You can also try Google DNS


Google Public DNS IP addresses

The Google Public DNS IP addresses are as follows:



Hi AdvancedSetup

Should I change DNS I think my ISP won't recognize my router (I have to use my ISP router and my ISP configuration) and I think I will no longer able to get connected.

I'll wait for tomorrow, this is likely to be a temporary issue.

Thank you

@ Gristle, thank you. please,stop, this is not a competition (Gristle: Grazie, ma fermati, non

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Hi AdvancedSetup

Should I change DNS I think my ISP won't recognize my router (I have to use my ISP router and my ISP configuration) and I think I will no longer able to get connected.

I'll wait for tomorrow, this is likely to be a temporary issue.

Thank you

@ Gristle, thank you. please,stop, this is not a competition (Gristle: Grazie, ma fermati, non

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