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Slam Dunkley

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XP has been out since 2001, and still most people around the world still use it, it's very frustrating, yeah I know Vista was a resource hog, but I would rather have that than a operating system full of holes like Swiss cheese. We have Windows 7 now, so everybody should be using either Vista or Windows 7 to be more secure

This is just my opinion

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  • Root Admin

I have only been infected once accidentally on XP. I use it daily and I really like it. I have every OS Microsoft makes and XP does what most people need. Many don't see the reason to upgrade to Windows 7 for $200 when their current XP is working well.

Don't worry though - Windows 7 is making quite an impact and since you can no long buy a computer with Windows in any other version it will slowly replace many old ones along the way.

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I have only been infected once accidentally on XP. I use it daily and I really like it. I have every OS Microsoft makes and XP does what most people need. Many don't see the reason to upgrade to Windows 7 for $200 when their current XP is working well.

Don't worry though - Windows 7 is making quite an impact and since you can no long buy a computer with Windows in any other version it will slowly replace many old ones along the way.

Yeah I suppose you're right Windows 7 will take over, but the reason why you haven't been infected once is because you are more technically savvy, you are not the avergae user

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I've still seen netbooks for sale with XP but other than that all you can get is Windows 7 and there are some leftover Vista's here and there.

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I don't understand why you say XP is full of holes......With the right security setup you are protected well on XP. I ran a malwarebytes scan a few weeks ago on a machine that has been without security software for more then a year and MBAM came back with no infections, so it's possible to stay safe of XP.

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A lot of it also has to do with what's between the keyboard and the chair :)

Keeping programs up to date, surfing smartly, using an AV program (and preferably an anti malware program as well, such as Malwarebytes :)), a good HOSTS file program such as HostsMan also helps, and generally being careful all contribute to safe, clean online and computer experience.

That being said, you can get infected anyway through no fault of your own, but the above (and I know I missed stuff) greatly reduces the risk.

The UAC in Vista and above also greatly helps and Vista and above definitely are more secure than XP but again, with user smarts and good protection, XP can be (more) secure :)

Anyone that thinks of anything that I missed that can help improve security feel free to jump in here!

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I don't understand why you say XP is full of holes......With the right security setup you are protected well on XP. I ran a malwarebytes scan a few weeks ago on a machine that has been without security software for more then a year and MBAM came back with no infections, so it's possible to stay safe of XP.

Also if you rarely use it for web browsing it could be clean.

@mountaintree16- Also if you have a firewall it helps stop worms from spreading. Plus if your browser is set to the highest security settings helps to. But that also reduces the functionality of some web pages. Probably be best to set to medium-high for best results.

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Sometimes. Exile bugs me

:):):) Sorry , I later read on after that first bit - :)

A bit off topic I know (but good for a silly sense of humor) - :)

From my old 98 to XP , I found this had all the improvements most people needed - The main problem with Vista was only the fact that they changed the 'face' of it a bit too radically so it actually Scared some users :) - Most eventually came round once the first bugs were fixed , but I still love my XP -- :)

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  • Root Admin

If Win98 had true full 32 Bit support instead of thunking then I'd be happy to stay with it too.

Of course now that time has progressed onto x64 there are other issues that Win98 or XP cannot easily manage either so as usual I along with many others are forced to use the newer OS whether or not you want to. If you can't get drivers and updates for it then sooner or later you're forced to move on.

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If Win98 had true full 32 Bit support instead of thunking then I'd be happy to stay with it too.

Of course now that time has progressed onto x64 there are other issues that Win98 or XP cannot easily manage either so as usual I along with many others are forced to use the newer OS whether or not you want to. If you can't get drivers and updates for it then sooner or later you're forced to move on.

it's good how everyone is giving their opinions, I bought up this topic because I'm giving away free copies of Windows 7, but seeing how people are happy with XP, it might not be necessary

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it's good how everyone is giving their opinions, I bought up this topic because I'm giving away free copies of Windows 7, but seeing how people are happy with XP, it might not be necessary

I thought it's against the law to give away copies of any Microsoft OS?

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  • Root Admin
I thought it's against the law to give away copies of any Microsoft OS?

From my understanding, not as long as you legally own them, they're not counterfeit, and you sell or give away the entire non activated product along with the DVD and COA (Certificate of Authenticity) to the user. They must also be Retail versions. The OEM is not allowed to be sold except with the computer it was originally installed on.

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@ Buttons

Sorry I missed this before - yes! A firewall is a MUST! But XP and later include one, so this is good :)

Edit: Windows 2000 might include one as well, but I am not positive on this.

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XP has been out since 2001, and still most people around the world still use it, it's very frustrating, yeah I know Vista was a resource hog, but I would rather have that than a operating system full of holes like Swiss cheese. We have Windows 7 now, so everybody should be using either Vista or Windows 7 to be more secure

This is just my opinion

XP is a wonderful system, and having used XP, Vista, and now 7 on a regular basis I can honestly say 7 beats XP hands down.

Also, having such an old OS be what the majority of users are using on their computers has been holding the computer world back for a while now in terms of software development. I'm personally glad to see the push towards 7. Hopefully this will help the computing world catch up.

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  • Root Admin

Well I can tell that you're not an Network, Desktop Administrator. Many of the tasks for doing remote management that we've been using for years no longer works and we have to use new cumbersome methods to manage desktops such as GPO scripts and WMI coding.

I'll take managing thousands of XP desktops over Windows 7 desktops myself.

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Well I can tell that you're not an Network, Desktop Administrator. Many of the tasks for doing remote management that we've been using for years no longer works and we have to use new cumbersome methods to manage desktops such as GPO scripts and WMI coding.

I'll take managing thousands of XP desktops over Windows 7 desktops myself.

Yeah, you are absolutely right, I'm not a desktop administrator. But I do know a bit about WMI coding and I agree with you it is a pain. Just the other day I had a WMI debacle that didn't bode well.....

In the end I had to create a new user account.

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