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Blogspot, Access Denied


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So all of a sudden this evening, I can't get to any sites with the word 'blogspot' in the url, not even blogspot's home page. I get this message:


You were denied access because:

Access denied by access control list.

I can access the pages if I go through a proxy server.

I've rebooted the modem and the router. I've hooked up the modem directly to the laptop, which puts me into a whole new IP range. Same thing.

This is on 2 computers, tried 3 different browsers.

If anyone else here is up and about, can you try accessing blogspot.com and tell me what happens? Or any of the blogs you know of on that site. I'm wondering if the blogspot site itself is having problems or if they are, for some reason, blocking my ISP specifically or even if my ISP is blocking THEM. (My ISP is comparitively small, it wouldn't be the first time it got blocked.)

I figured I would try here first, then a message board I'm on that consists of others who use my ISP.


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No. It's happening on 2 different computers. I've tried ruling out everything I can think of. I've even shut down the modem and router and then connected my modem directly to my laptop, which gives me a totally different IP address in a different range than the one I've been on. Same thing.

It must be my ISP then. <sigh>

If it's not one thing with these people, it's another...I am SO sick of having to phone them all the time.

Thanks for your feedback.

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Oh my goodness, yes! Exile, looks like whatever the problem is got solved. I can get to the other ones, too. B)

Maybe a few people phoned in. I mean, Blogspot is a pretty big site to block.

OK, thanks guys. I was just in the middle of composing an e-mail to my ISP, but I'll toss that one now.


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Well, I phoned my ISP, and he said they don't block sites, but sometimes site users do stuff to get entire blocks of IP addresses blocked. He said that quite a few of their ISP's IP addresses have been blocked due to misbehavior of people on websites and message boards. These site owners, rather than block one IP, will forbid an entire block, and innocent people such as myself may get caught in the crossfire.

So he forced an IP change and we'll see how THAT goes. B)

Oh. I see it didn't last. I was able to get to those sites for the few minutes I was on the phone with the ISP tech, and now they're blocked again.

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I have no problem getting to Blogspot sites and hpHosts, RaProducts and WinPatrol's Blogspots are amongst my favorites: B)




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If I had any other option between my current ISP and dialup, I would choose differently. We're stuck with satellite and with this specific company as a provider. But those are our choices out here in the country. We also don't have line of site to any tower either for wireless--too many hills and trees.

Our ISP has many issues, which I won't get into here (although it's tempting to go on a rant).

So far, I've posted on a message board frequented by other customers of my ISP and I'll see how widespread this thing is.

Thus far, for me, it's been 3 different IP addresses in 3 different ranges. And access is intermittent, but most of the time my access is blocked.

Ever try to e-mail someone at google for support? It's impossible. I know in the past, I was able to contact someone, but it sure can't be done anymore.

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I can see the Bell building that's one block away from my apartment window.

I have to put up with the noise of police and ambulence sirens and noisy people that toot their car horns when their favorite team wins a hockey game though. (Canada won Gold B) )


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Looks like this is an issue affecting many customers across western Canada. The primary issue involves one major Canadian ISP, but smaller ISP's (such as mine) whose traffic is routed through that large one are also being affected.

Western Canadian customers are also unable to access their Picassa online albums, and that started on March 5.

As of right now, for me, access is off and on. Mostly off. I can access the pages by using proxy servers.

ISP techs have told people that Google is blocking certain IP addresses. Google says they aren't blocking anyone, and that they have 'reached out' to the involved ISP. Customers are being told very little, and people are quite upset. We'll see where this one goes.




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By the way, do any of you know anything about the reputation of a proxy server called 'hidemyass.com'?

(Pardon the language, but that's the name of it, really!) One of the ladies who can't get at her own blog has purchased a one month subscription. She said she downloaded software, I just wondered if any of you folks know if this is an OK program or not.

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Google maps are also now not working. A couple of people with the same ISP as myself have lost access to google earth as well.

If there is anyone outside of western Canada experiencing these issues, we need you to post on those threads I've linked to so that Google staff can get a handle on what is going on. So far we're pinning it on one ISP, but if it's other ISP's as well, people need to know that so they know where to look for the problem.


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I have a friend in Regina that I will get in touch with and ask him to check all of my Blogspot favorites.

He does not come here though so I'll have to use email.

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Thanks, YoKenny1. :P

If his ISP isn't Telus, he'll likely not have any problems, but it would be interesting to know what happens to customers of other ISP's in western Canada. I hear Shaw customers aren't having the problem. As far as we know so far, the issue is confined to Telus customers and others whose traffic is routed through Telus.

Here's another thread with Picasa users:


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Hi found this forum today while searching "access denied".

My friend can't access my Blogger.com site, saying access was denied.

I'm on telus, friend is on shaw.

I'm not computer-savvy enough to know how to fix stuff, but what do I say to my friend? or to Blogger admins?

Thanks, folks!

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