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First Google Redirection, Now Computer Won't Boot

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Today when I used Google in Firefox, it redirected all the click throughs to advertisements/other search engines/attempts to download Vundo. In Chrome, Google just wasn't loading at all.

I run Malwarebytes, and it catches 6 infections:

3 Vundo.H of the form (random gibberish string of letters).dll in system32

1 e.exe in temp files called Trojan.Dipper

1 Bad Registry, regedit.exe had quotations around it when it shouldn't have

1 FakeScanner Registry Entry under AvScan

I remove the infections, restart my computer, and now it won't boot into Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, nor Normally. When I try to boot on Safe Mode it loads and then freezes and asks if I want to continue loading SPTD.sys.

Now I'm not sure if the SPTD.sys is a stand-alone problem separate from the infection or not. Looking online, there seems to be numerous people having trouble with that file, and it's related to Daemon Tools (which I have installed) but what should I do?

Also another question: was Vundo.H responsible for the Google redirects?

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