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64 bit version question

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I know you guys released a 64 bit version a while back. What I want to know is, is there a specific web address just for the 64 bit version, is it a 64 native application or just an application that is 64 bit compatible?. Wondering this because I'm thinking of purchasing. I have Super Antispyware which they say will have a 64 bit native version released "soon" and its been several months. So because I'm sick of waiting for them I now want to purchase your product. Another thing is I wanted to order it from Amazon.com but it seems its "currently unavailable". The reason is I don't use credit cards and Amazon has a number of other payment options I can use. So go and thank the people at Super Anti Spyware for your sale!.

This is the link to where I wanted to purchase,


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I don't know about the 64bit version but I just want to point out writing a native 64bit app is harder than writing a 32 bit app due to the way Microsoft wrote it. With 64bit programmers don't get as much access to the system so they have to rewrite their app to make sure it works. Superantispyware has a beta 64bit on their forums.

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