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Hello, I'm wondering if anyone here can help me out as I have tried searching for the problem throughout the forums but can't seem to find a solution that actually works or pertains to my problem. This morning my computer was plagued with the dreaded security essentials 2010 spyware app. Very annoying little bug, so I followed these instructions. Very helpful, I am almost there. Here is the problem...I have been using Malware Bytes(Free Version) for a good few months with no problem starting up and I believe that this malicious program is keeping me from running mbam.exe despite me ending the program's processes. I have reinstalled it numerous times now, and even installed in on an external harddrive I have but still the program file itself is not in the program folders, I have all programs and folders visible as well. I click on the desktop shorcut and get the message "missing shortcut" and windows proceeds to search for it which doesn't end because the .exe file is not there. Also whenever I finish installing malware bytes, I choose to option to launch the program and instead get some strange message about the program not being found error '0' or something along those lines. If anyone could help pose a solution for me, or perhaps giving me a copy of the actual mbam.exe files from their program files, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. :)

PS: I my OP is windows XP dunno if it matters or not but I figure I should try to give the most information possible.

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