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I keep getting IP blocks from these particular IPs:

These IPs get blocked even after a fresh reboot (no programs started or running other than Avast and Microsoft Security Essentials and no web browsing). Should I be worried? Does this mean that I have some sort of virus on my PC that is trying to contact an outside source?

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Hi RshaoKh -

Please read Here for information about the IP module - This never means you are infected but there are suspect items on these pages - If you read the item fully it will show things like how to block silently (no popup bubble etc.) and how to allow sites that you trust -

The first 2 you list are Chinese IP sites but the last is USA -

Thank You - :)

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Thanks for the reply! I don't mind the IP block messages popping up, but thanks for showing me how to silently block those IPs. I was just concerned that I was already infected and that some program was trying to send out information. Thanks for clarifying things up for me. =D

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