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IP false positives -huge number because of shared IP hostings?

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Dear Malwarebytes team and any one who is contributing to constant evolution of this great software.

You are doing such a huge work with IP protection module and I really appreciate it.

I have a suggestion for this module, please take it in consideration because I think that times are changing and it's happening really fast, I will try to explain what I'm thinking about this issues of good websites being blocked too often.

Do you think that is it possible that shared IP hosting is the actual cause that many good sites are blocked by IP Protection module?

If this can be the cause then I'm suggesting to change the method of blocking IPs to blocking Domains as much as it is possible.

I know it's a huge work but please consider the following (assuming that the shared IP can be the main reason for such number of good websites being blocked):

Because of huge price drop of hosting packages in past few years many hosting companies switched from dedicated IP hosting to shared IP hosting, this happened even at most reputable hosting companies which switched all low cost packages to shared IP hosting.

A shared IP can handle thousands of domains and just a single malicious domain causes Antimalware IP protection module to also block all other thousands of good websites, just because they are on same shared IP.

I think that adding dozens of IPs to ignore list every day is not only annoying but also very dangerous because with allowing access to a good website you are actually allowing also the access to a malicious websites hosted on same IP.

A fast half-solution could be to add an Temporary option so you can add an IP to ignore llist just for a limited time, few hours for example, so after few hours the temporary allowed IP will be automatically removed from ignore list.

You may do this with adding a small confirmation window.

I mean when you right click the icon, then choose in menu Add to ignore list, and click on desired IP, a small window pops up asking to click on one of two buttons Temporary add the selected IP to ignore list or Permanently add the selected IP to ignore list. Or something like that, maybe a better option could be to write something like this on pop up window: Add the selected IP to ignore list: and then below you have two buttons Temporary and Permanently. Or somenthing like that, I hope you understand what I mean, I'm not from English speaking country so I hope you understand what I want to tell, I apologize for any strange sentences I may write.

So what do you think? It can be done something like that?

I think that in near future over 80% of domains will be on shared IPs so the IP blocking method will not help as it was meant to when you created it (still assuming that shared IP causes to block all domains hosted on it).

For dedicated hostings the IP blocking method is an ideal solution but I'm afraid that I'm correct and that this is not the case with shared IP hostings.

I believe that people will start to add to ignore list just all IPs, this will happen when they will find out that Anti-Malware is blocking the access to fine and respectful websites.

I saw in one of the posts about false positive IP a moderator said that the website owner should change the hosting.

I think it's not the right approach, I think you should find a solution to this real situation and deal with websites as they are and find a better solution to this problem without expecting any changes from other side, also they may have contracts to respect with hosting companies and/or they just don't know that Anti-Malware is actually blocking and not allowing their visitors/customers to visit their website.

I mean I think that because there are too many good websites blocked, like I said before, dozens of good websites blocked every single day.

The last one I got blocked and I have a tab still open so I will post it here is the official website of a well known freeware audio software The BonkEnc, the address is http://www.bonkenc.org/

I must say that a lot of official freeware websites have been blocked by the IP Protection module so this one I mentioned above is not even near a single case but it's really a larger problem. I think the issue with good websites blocked is very common and it's happening just too often to let it be as is.

I really think that it will be a good idea to take in serious consideration the problem and look for a better and much more effective solution.

Maybe I'm not wrong with the idea of switching to Domain blocking method, and in mean time to add the half-solution as I mentioned before with Temporary option to avoid the danger of allowing malicious websites along the good ones.

Please staff & members write your point of view and if you have some suggestions let's hear and discuss them, I think this great software deserves a great solution.

Thank you for your time guys, and I really would like to thank you for all the great work you are doing with absolutely the best anti malware software available today.

You guys rule, hats off.

Keep on the unbeliavable work you are doing.

Thanks and all the best,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sadly I don't see any improvements so I disabled this function permanently with the procedure I found in this post:


My main PC Tools internet suite is already doing that job and it's doing it perfectly so probably I will never enable this module again.

I think this option to set it off permanently must be included in program settings as you promised 3 releases ago. I believe many users don't have enough computer knowledge to do it like that and also many users don't even know about this forum. We should keep in mind that this is a software for masses not for enhusiasts only and to pretend users to set the settings in registry is not acceptable.

I'm not sure if you did the right thing adding IP protection module permanently active, because the IP protection is keeping people away from their good websites without their will and knowledge. Just hope that some EU citizen will not fill legal actions against this, I will not be very surprised if it happens judging from how many good sites are blocked every day, this is incredible how big mess is actually doing this module.

I'm inviting you to take action quickly, the solution should be already out months ago...

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