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Today, as usual, I updated MBAM's definitions (currently 3746) and ran a quick scan. As usual, it came up clean. Since I had read warnings last night about people getting a virus just from visiting univision.com, a site I went to yesterday, I decided to also run a scan using McAfee Enterprise Edition Antivirus 8.7, which had been updated last night. To my surprise, McAfee said it found a virus, which it called 6.nsis in a file dcf_install.exe. McAfee claimed it was detected as W32/Induc and said it had deleted it (which means it's in quarantine), since McAfee's attempt to clean it failed. The infected file was located in a directory where I keep installation files for programs I download.

I'm somewhat surprised that MBAM didn't catch this. Should it have? I searched for information about dcf_install.exe, and as far as I can tell, it's from a program called DVD Catalyst Free. I don't have such a program on my computer, though I suppose it's possible I read about it, downloaded dcf_install.exe, and never used it. But no prior scan with McAfee has ever turned up a problem with this file. I guess it's also possible that the infected file got put on my computer yesterday when I visited univision.com, though I had both McAfee and MBAM realtime protection on and use Firefox 3.6 rather than IE.

Anyway, my main concerns are that my MBAM scan turned up nothing and I received no warning from MBAM when I went to univision.com yesterday. (The site is not normally a source of malware, but apparently it has or had been taken over by some kind of malware attack within the last month or so.) Is it unrealistic of me to expect that MBAM Pro should have better protected me?

EDIT: Oops, I think I should have done more before posting this message. After I posted it, I decided to send the quarantined file to VirusTotal, where it would be analyzed by about 40 antivirus programs. To my relief, astonishment, and embarrassment, only ONE of the programs (Dr. Web) identified the file as a virus! Like my McAfee scan, Dr. Web identified it as W32.Induc, but none of the others claimed it was problematic. Even VirusTotal's copies of McAfee didn't claim it was a virus! I noticed that the version of McAfee definitions VirusTotal was using was more recent than mine, even though I had just updated them last night. I tried to update them now but couldn't get a version as recent as VirusTotal's. The version I did get still claimed it was a virus. But with almost no other program backing up this diagnosis, I think I'll assume the problem lies with McAfee, not with MBAM nor with the file in question. My apologies for not having run this VirusTotal check before writing. :)

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@ whatmeworry -

Dr Web Cure It is a bit suspect at times - I ran quick scans for a few months , then decided to do a Full Scan - That actually found one item but I was never sure after 2-3 months (hated updates) whether it is fully reliable these days for scans or diagnostics - I would submit it as Firefox said -

W32.Induc.A Risk Level 1: Very Low. Removal easy.

Any A/V would remove it easily -

Thanks - :)

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Thanks, Firefox and Noknojon, for your responses. I agree, Firefox, that it's likely to be a FP from McAfee. Thus far, however, my university (which supplies me with McAfee for free) has not caught up with the version of McAfee that VirusTotal used. The version I have been able to update to still claims it's not a FP, but I don't believe it. I'll ask again once I have the same definitions version as VirusTotal.

Noknojon, I was interested in what you had to say about Dr. Web. I've never used it, but since it was the only AV out of the 40 that VirusTotal consulted that claimed my file had a virus, I'll continue to be skeptical. The file has been quarantined by McAfee, and if I don't do anything, it will automatically be deleted after X days. So I'm not concerned. It's not a file I need.

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