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I'm getting a lot of "blocked ip" notifications from the Malwarebytes' Protection Module.

Any way to turn this off? I see that I can use Windows 7 to change notification area settings, but then I either have to:

turn off icon and notifications

turn on icon and notifications

turn on only notifications

I just want to see the icon WITHOUT notifications.


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Hi diznanl

This <--Section G - will give you a lot of information on the IP module -

Please read it carefully - Any other questions always post back -

Thank You - :)

Hmmm... I don't think my question is addressed.

I'd like the protection module to remain running, but I don't want to be notified every time it blocks an IP. I see that I can disable the IP Protection, but I want to keep it on. I just don't want to see the notification every time it does so.

Any ideas?

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Hi again -

Did you read this section towards the bottom of the article - If you need further information/advice I can get someone else to Detail the information -


Description: With a DWORD value of 1, the protection module will block and log IPs silently.

Or is there more you would like to know -

Thank You - :)

EDIT - This is silent mode and will not disable or notify you , but it will log the items -

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Hi again -

Did you read this section towards the bottom of the article - If you need further information/advice I can get someone else to Detail the information -

Or is there more you would like to know -

Thank You - :)

EDIT - This is silent mode and will not disable or notify you , but it will log the items -

Ahhh... I didn't read THAT far down the thread :)

Thank you for the in-depth how-to. I managed to create the DWORD and all should be good in the universe!

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