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It is true that this forum is full of computer experts of all kinds. There are Microsoft MVPs, general computer experts, malware removal experts, malware removal tool developers, malware researchers, etc. But most of these experts' time is spent doing 'expert' things. So if someone with say an 'above average' level of computer knowledge wants to help users with a few basic problems then, personally, I think it's great. As long as the helper follows a few basic rules.

The first rule is that only Administrators, Moderators, Experts and Trusted Advisors are allowed to give any kind of malware removal advice on this forum. Malware removal can be a very complicated process, so the reasoning behind this rule is obvious.

And the second rule is 'Don't ever give any advice which could possibly render the computer un-bootable'. Remember that, even if you have the knowledge to talk them through the creation and repair process, not everyone has access to a second computer on which to download and create boot disks to repair un-bootable computers. And some people don't even have a Windows Setup Disk. When giving computer advice over the internet it is wise to remember that if you break someone's computer then you are morally obliged to fix it again. And if you can't touch their keyboard, you could be in serious danger of breaking that moral obligation.

So, bearing these rules in mind, best of luck. ;)

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From marktreg -

'Don't ever give any advice which could possibly render the computer un-bootable'

Perfect advice to all of us who offer help in this forum - As a 'Helper' and not a 'qualified expert' we should only direct (usually customers) people to our experts via the HiJack Forum area - We are here to give only general help and a lot of this involves directing people to our FAQ areas that contain many of the resolutions that are required -

Thank You - ;)

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