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Hi there!

About a week ago, my computer got infected with something really nasty. Endless pop-up ads, google redirects, and I think it even took over my task manager for a time. My McAfee AV software was next to useless.

I got on the internet looking for solutions, and ran across the name Malwarebytes over and over again. I tried to download the program, but kept getting a fail when I ran the setup for the program. I eventually made my way to this forum and found out that the infection was deleting the exe file. I found a post with a link for a Malwarebytes download with a random filename generator--brilliant. I was eventually able to download the free version and run a scan and get rid of a whole bunch of Trojans.

My computer has been running error free all day, and tonight I purchased the full version of Malwarebytes. Worth so much more than I paid for it.

But the best part has to be this forum. I read through all kinds of posts trying to figure out what was going on with my machine and am just so impressed with the "experts" who are giving their advice and time here. I know that this is a place that I can come for tremendous, personal, and _successful_ advice.

Thanks to the folks behind Malwarebytes, and to all the experts on this forum!

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No problem. We have a lot of helpful people here. ;) The creator of Hijackthis just joined not to long ago. :D Plus it's a great place to hang out and learn. Personally I have learned quite a bit since I became active in December. I hope you enjoy all that malwarebyte's has to offer as well as the forums.! :D

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