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It could be discontinued as it has yet to be listed as compatible with Windows 7. Although Malwarebytes' is their main product they could be just focusing on that while slowing working with Start-Up Lite. :D Also since they provide free products and lifetime license a lot of money may not be going to development of Start-Up Lite. I'm not sure really. ;)

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I also use Startup Lite regularly in addition to Autoruns as it's a quick way to stop unneeded programs that I may not recognise using Autoruns.

It works perfectly on Windows 7, but the database could do with being updated, which I'm happy to assist in any way I can as I'm always removing unnecessary programs from clients laptops etc...

Any comment Marcin?

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There's such a variety of unnecessary startups out there these days, and the process names for them change all the time with new program versions so keeping track would be more than a full time job.

That being the case, I personally recommend using Autoruns, making sure to research all entries carefully using trusted and frequently updated startup info databases like the one on Bleeping Computer.

Also be sure to only uncheck entries with Autoruns, there's no need to delete them, that way you already have a backup in case you accidentally disable something and want or need to enable it again.

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