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I came across the following and would like to know if removing will be a problem? I had Spysweeper a year or so ago and had it removed, but see that i still have some left over. In the Device Manager i found these two items. "Spysweeper Hookrack MiniDriver" and "Spyseeper Interdiction Driver." I see that i can remove these by remove and reboot. Is there any reason that i shouldn't do this? I ask this as i wonder if it will cause any other problems. It shows that they are both active and running.

I was looking for my Sound Card and cannot find it, it use to be there, is there any reason it is not showing up in the Device Manger? Thanks to anyone who can help me. I have had no sound except for static ever since i went wireless, you all did ask me some questions, but i never have tried to find the reason for sound problem. I plan to have a computer tech come to my home to clear this up unless i can do it simple like.

Thanks again

If this posts twice i apologize as something just brought me back to this page after posting once.

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