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Okay folks I'm goIng to go through some tIps to keep your computer very secure, It's foolproof, but It wIll defInately decrease your chances dramatIcally, okay here I go..

1. Get Norton Internet SecurIty 2010

I've done my research on dIfferent revIews and have found that Norton Internet InsecurIty was the at the top on most of them, also the dIfferent av testers have found It to be the most effectIve lIke DennIs Technology Lab, AV-ComparatIves and AV-Test.org. you can download It from softpedIa and they won't ask you for your credIt card detaIls.

2. Get Malwarebytes AntI-Malware

Even though Norton Is very effectIve It wIll mIss some threats, that's where Malwarebytes AntI-Malware comes In, I would advIse to do a full system scan once a week, but update Malwarebytes before you scan wIth It. The paId has realtIme protectIon so It wIll detect a threat as soon as try to open a Infected fIle, It has a Ip blockIng whIch blocks you from to dangerous sItes thIs very handy Indeed. I would even advIse gettIng the paId versIon to prevent InfectIons In the fIrst place, the prIce Is very cheap consIderIng you have It for lIfe.

3. Get SuperAntI-Spyware

Use thIs as a back up to Malwarebytes, even though Malwarebytres detects and deletes most InfectIons, It very rarely mIsses the occasIonal threat, these are the threats Super AntI-Spyware can remove. Keep thIs actIve In your system tray so when you need to scan a fIle or your whole computer It wIll be ready. You can get the free versIon or paId versIon, but I would advIse you to stIck wIth the free versIon

3. Get Trojan Hunter

ThIs nIfty program Is buIlt purely for trojans, and just lIke Malwarebytes and Super-AntI-Spyware It backs up Norton Internett SecurIty 2010, trojan hunter has saved my butt when I fought Norton Internet SecurIty 2010, Malwarebytes and Super AntI-Spyware had removed all trojans, but when I scanned my computer wIth Trojan Hunter It had found a few trojans on occasIon. You get a 30 day trIal or you can buy the full versIon whIch Is worth the money

4.Get HItman Pro

ThIs program uses multIple antIvIrus engInes to detect threats, It uses cloud technology, meanIng that whIle It Is scannIng your computer It Is sendIng InformatIon back about the fIles, and before you say It, NO they don't Invade your prIvacy. If by any chance the other haved faIled to pIck any threats, be assured that HItman Pro wIll fInd them and remove them. You have the choIce of a 30 day trIal or payIng for subcrIptIon

5.Use MozIlla FIrefox

ThIs Is because FIrefox has less vulnerablItIes than Internet Explorer and also It Is notIceably faster and fInally has a bunch of add-ons to customIse and protect you onlIne. Download these add-ons to maxImIse your safety, these are all free.

Lastpass Password Manager- thIs safes your passwords to sItes that you vIsIt where delIcate InformatIon Is used, all you need to do Is remeber 1 password to get Into your other passwords

Keyscrambler- Encrypts your keystrokes, to stop people seeIng what you ae tpIng In your browser, very Important to use just Incase a keylogger gets onto your pc.

Adblock Plus- Blocks adds and pop-ups, you can also choose what ads and pop-ups to block by IusIng a a feature called fIlter rules.

Better PrIvacy- DId you know when you delete cookIes from your browser some of them stIll remaIn?, these stubborn buggers are flash cookIes, so u need a tool to remove them, thIs Is what Better PrIvacy Is for.

If anyone doesnt understand about the thIngs I have saIs, feel free to let me know by commentIng on tIs post, andI wIll explaIn It to you

Thanks for lIstenIng

Slam Dunkley

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Hi Slam -

1. Get Norton Internet SecurIty 2010

Very disputed as it is a very heavy running program especially on smaller computers - Avira, Avast and MSE are very comparable at times -

4.Get HItman Pro

If you are already running another A/Virus it is not a good idea to run a second A/Virus program -

5.Use MozIlla FIrefox

Another disputed item - I have found Opera and Orca to be better in many ways -

Please read this item - http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=194882

Thank You for your Personal Views - ;)

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If a single procedure was enough to make possible an internet security guide for everyone, there would be no forums to discuss about it.

Antimalware and malware evolve fast. Yesterday's guide will need to be changed tomorrow. In addition, what you suggest, if we use everything listed in first post, will overlap or superimpose protections and databases. Careful with that. ;)

There are many examples, but there cannot be a single recipe to make a tasty protection, so to speak.

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Antimalware and malware evolve fast. Yesterday's guide will need to be changed tomorrow. ...

Oh so true. ;)

Things in this industry change so fast that it's hard to keep up with it, let alone come out on top. If we did not have dedicated research and development teams working 16-18 hours a day (or more in some cases) then Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware would just be another flop.

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Hi Slam -

Very disputed as it is a very heavy running program especially on smaller computers - Avira, Avast and MSE are very comparable at times -

If you are already running another A/Virus it is not a good idea to run a second A/Virus program -

Another disputed item - I have found Opera and Orca to be better in many ways -

Please read this item - http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=194882

Thank You for your Personal Views - ;)

1.You are right about Avira especially, but thats at times, you want something consistent, and as for Norton being heavy, that was a thing of the past, its changed since the 2009 version, its lighter, it uses on average 10 mb of ram while it is running, its only heavy when you open up the interface, i ran on vista with only 512 mb of ram and had no problems.

2.No, i don't want people to have hitman pro running, i only want people to scan with it when they need to, not use it as protection

3.Opera is good for its speed, but the website secunia has found vulnerablities in it, its only medium risk at the moment, but firefox has no known vulnerablities found as of yet, and its much more customisable than opera, i have opera on my system, but only use it if just want to load pages quicky and im not using personal details

Thanks your personal views- :D

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If a single procedure was enough to make possible an internet security guide for everyone, there would be no forums to discuss about it.

Antimalware and malware evolve fast. Yesterday's guide will need to be changed tomorrow. In addition, what you suggest, if we use everything listed in first post, will overlap or superimpose protections and databases. Careful with that. ;)

There are many examples, but there cannot be a single recipe to make a tasty protection, so to speak.

Well my recipe is MSE and Paid MBAM, checking windows updates religiously, being behind a router, am still going to stick with Firefox, and just using common sense computing....

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Thank you for precisions. :D

but firefox has no known vulnerablities found as of yet
Well, maybe not a lot for v3.6, but there have been some, but Mozilla realeased quite quickly the fixes :


I would like to see Norton's processes, modules and services eating less than 11Mb of memory. If only 10 Mb are used, maybe some features are be disabled by an undetected malware. ^^

Last time I tried Hitman pro, it made false positives on every disinfection tools I had. The database needs to be worked on.

Well my recipe is MSE and Paid MBAM, checking windows updates religiously, being behind a router, am still going to stick with Firefox, and just using common sense computing....
I wish common sense is really common and that everyone has the same definition for it. ;)

But that's different, the first post didn't mention them this way, I prefer you second software selection. :D

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Hi Again -

Did you read the shortcut item I left Re:Firefox - It shows that none of the main Browsers are ever safe -

Thank You - ;)

Yes, I read it, but no matter what security programs you put on your computer, if you are not careful about the things you download, like add ons you eventually get stung, your pc security is only as good as your common sense and savyness, my guide was not foolproof protection, but i believe, it a good guide, because i have had no infections for quite some time now, and i download quite a lot files, i just wanted people to try it out and see waht happens, if it doesnt work for them, then it doesnt work, i just want someone to try my method for a month at least to see if its right for them.

I also apologise for the way I wrote the guide, there was stuff i missed out, i didnt go into depth properly cus i was rushing, but i do do my research, the next post i write will be more detailed.

No matter what security suite anyone uses I would recommend them to use malwarebytes paid version,

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Thank you for precisions. :D

Well, maybe not a lot for v3.6, but there have been some, but Mozilla realeased quite quickly the fixes :


I would like to see Norton's processes, modules and services eating less than 11Mb of memory. If only 10 Mb are used, maybe some features are be disabled by an undetected malware. ^^

Last time I tried Hitman pro, it made false positives on every disinfection tools I had. The database needs to be worked on.

I wish common sense is really common and that everyone has the same definition for it. ;)

But that's different, the first post didn't mention them this way, I prefer you second software selection. :D

which version of hitman pro did you use may i ask?

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Sure, it was 3.5.4 Build 86.

It even wanted to delete mbam-setup.exe, here is a screenshot from a security colleague. The other mentionned executable files are disinfection or diagnose tools used for live cleaning on forums :


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Please read this item fully - It shows you how to get qualified to give full advice - It is posted above the HiJack Logs Area -

If you're interested in helping others with removal of Malware please visit one of the sites below to sign up for a training school.

The following are websites who host training facilities: United Network of Instructors and Trained Eliminators

Bleeping Computer

Geeks to Go


Malware Removal

What the Tech

Spyware Info Forum

That Computer Guy

Tech Support Forum

There are links to who can give full advice on the forum and where and how to give that advice -

Prior to jumping in and Fixing something you must Know what is actually wrong with it - Not all problems are the same -

Thank You -

I wil add a Shortcut for you - http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...ost&p=62319

Please note that all our experts and above Must qualify via the company testing shown at the bottom of the page -

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Thank you for precisions. :D

Well, maybe not a lot for v3.6, but there have been some, but Mozilla realeased quite quickly the fixes :


I would like to see Norton's processes, modules and services eating less than 11Mb of memory. If only 10 Mb are used, maybe some features are be disabled by an undetected malware. ^^

Last time I tried Hitman pro, it made false positives on every disinfection tools I had. The database needs to be worked on.

I wish common sense is really common and that everyone has the same definition for it. ;)

But that's different, the first post didn't mention them this way, I prefer you second software selection. :D

soory i made a miscalculation, it uses about 17 mb on average, i am so dumb sometimes lol, sorry

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Prior to jumping in and Fixing something you must Know what is actually wrong with it - Not all problems are the same -

From my earlier posting - Falkra has been doing this for some time now and is one of the people you can learn from - Also if you had read all my links they refered to the problems in F/Fox as listed by the company -

Thank You - ;)

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On the subject of browsers, if you compare the vulnerability history, you will find that Firefox is not the most secure. For the moment Opera is still the most secure (although even that is an illusion, as not every security vulnerability gets reported), but I have to admit that I am surprised that Mozilla has been putting the extra effort into security lately.

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On the subject of browsers, if you compare the vulnerability history, you will find that Firefox is not the most secure. For the moment Opera is still the most secure (although even that is an illusion, as not every security vulnerability gets reported), but I have to admit that I am surprised that Mozilla has been putting the extra effort into security lately.

I agree firefox did have a lot of vulnerabilities but what separates it from the others is how quickly these vulnerabilities get patched, previous firefox versions had had a lot of vulnerabilities, but none found so far for 3.6

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This is why there can be a high amount of false positives. A-squared and PrevX may produce them, if used this way (the riskware concept of A-Squared uses to flag VNC or any legitimate remote admin tool, for example, those tools, per se are not malware, and require passwords to be dangerous).

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I agree firefox did have a lot of vulnerabilities but what separates it from the others is how quickly these vulnerabilities get patched, previous firefox versions had had a lot of vulnerabilities, but none found so far for 3.6

If Mozilla is patching vulnerabilities quickly, then that is something fairly new. I remember a security vulnerability that was open for 3 or 4 years...

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