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I'm posting without attachments or logs because the main issue is.."I CANNOT BOOT INTO A REGULAR DESKTOP!" (see below, can only get to desktop in safe modes) I cannot attempt the initial instructions since they only pertain to a normal desktop boot. (I apologize for the abruptness, I've been working on this system for over a week and MUST fix it by Sat as I am leaving country for 2 months).

When this system boots up, I get a dialog stating that "An unauthorized change was made to your license." The only options I have are to Validate Online or Close (close returns me to the login screen) I attempt to Validate online, and am told there was either an unauthorized change or a software program on the computer is not currently compatible with Vista.

What I've done so far:

I've read through and done the recommendations listed (Restarting the Software Licensing service and running Disk Cleanup)

Read through and done what was suggested by Microsoft at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931699

Uninstalled PC Spyware Doctor and a few other non-essential utilities

ran Malwarebytes and Spybot while booted in Safe Mode (found and fixed errors, malware, etc..)

Enabled Diagnostic mode boot

Somewhere along the line, I noticed "Rootkit: TDSS" but all the instructions for removing it that I have found depend on booting into normal mode. At this time I can boot into all modes of SAFE MODE, but unable to get to desktop in a normal boot.

I really need someone to help me through this issue please. and Thank You

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