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I ran across this nasty bugger today. Could not for the life of me get MBAM to install, did all the tricks that you suggest in your common issues section. Renaming, killing the process, etc. Yes I tried everything....safe mode also...

Mcafee didn't pick this up, Windows defender, or the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool.

I finally decided to try Spyware Doctor and got it too install and it found all the threats, and removed them...

Why are these new fake security programs targeting MBAM so much? Is it because its such a popular program and works so well?

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Okay, thanks for that, will use the info in the future...

Hi sartori,

If you need it in the future, there is a tutorial for using MBAM to remove XP Antispyware 2010 here:


And yes, the reasons you gave above are exactly why fake security programs are targeting MBAM so much.

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