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Hi, everyone. Thank you for your support when I was going through the dark night of my soul with that google redirecting virus. It not only redirected me,

it shut down my emails as I was writing them, changed my desktop, threw popups in my face and ran a prompt sound continuously.

The infection was in "atapi.sys". I'm sorry, I dont know what that line means, but I know all you do.

Thanks, again.

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AdvancedSetup- I think I'm all clear now. I was searching for an answer, and came across this: http://www.troublefixers.com/remove-virus-...ol-for-windows/.

The site tries to endorse some program called "Pareto", which was worthless and tried to shake me down for money. BUT; at the very bottom of the very long comments line, someone mentioned this: http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro

Which seens to have worked. I dont know if it's ok for me to mention it on your forum or not. If not, I apologize. After running it I was able to register

Malwarebytes, and am no longer being redirected.

Thanks to Tom Mercado and all for your help.

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