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Reboot and Purchase suggestion


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Let me start out by saying that MalwareBytes' anti-malware is certainly among if not the best anti-malware packages on the market.

My suggestion:

Please put "Do you want to restart your computer? WARNING: all your current work will be lost" in the final Active-X box instead of the innocuous "Do you want to continue?" I say this after pushing the button and watching everything I had on my screen disappear without me even being able to click 'Cancel'. I was under the impression that it was going to hand me a log or something instead of restarting the computer. Virtually every other program that restarts your computer puts this warning in the Active-X box. (As I was typing this I was installing Avast! and it popped up an Active-X box asking me if I wanted to reboot now or later... not just 'continue? yes or no.')

Otherwise, awesome package! Thanks.

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  • Root Admin

Our product does not use an Active-X that is only available on Internet Explorer. We use a dedicated GUI program and it has it's own dialog boxes and it very clear that it will reboot your computer NOW. You're also always advised to do scans with NO other programs running. Doing a scan with an installation going on is not recommended. Even installations not related to Malware are ALWAYS recommended to have ALL other programs closed before doing an installation of any software.

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