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well, of course MBAM (and not others...) can detect everything... so please:

in scan result I wish to see 2 tab, one tab normal result that we are seeing, a new tab which bring "unknown objects"

MBAM can update database with 2 list, right now it only update database for malware, but it would be better if it add both Good and bad objects to database.

then MBAM would became too powerful, it detect and remove Malwares with its own definition database and also let users remove those malware which is not yet added to MBAM definitions database, also then MBAM might let users upload those unknown programs which users think might be malware.

it get times for developers and also need more bandwidth and resources, need more engineer to works on submited samples etc.. but it's needed to be able more strong.

just the problem would be database... it's now 4MB, but then would became very very large if add the whitelist too.

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