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I'm running a registered version of MBAM on Windows XP with a fresh database version 2596. Protection module is enabled.

When I try to view my own web site: http://Foreskin-Restoration.net/forum I get a baloon that says Malware Bytes anti-malware has successfully blocked access to malicious IP:

The site is hosted by GoDaddy.com.

I also get the error when I try to publish new content to the site with Microsoft FrontPage.

I don't mind adding my site an ignore list so I can work, but I'd rather have it unblocked so everyone can view it, UNLESS there is really something malicious going on. How can I find what is causing this IP Block?

We have thousands of members at the site and nobody has complianed about having computer trouble after using the site.



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The malicious domains on this IP have now either been killed off, or cleaned up, so I'll remove the IP in time for the next update :)

Thanks. I bought this domain from a guy who bragged that he had code on the main page to fool search engines into giving it a high ranking. I don't play that game and I purged all the old content immediately.

But that was a few years ago. Could that old code have been the problem?

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