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64-bit upgrade question


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I have a full retail version of Vista Business 32-bit; if I purchase a licence key to upgrade to 64-bit do I get a choice of which version to upgrade to (ie an upgrade to both version and -bit)?

What happens if, say, next year I were to change my laptop? As I understand it my options would be:

1. Disc clone / image made now which would be 32-bit and then have it available to upgrade to 64-bit at leisure after putting it on the new computer;

2. upgrade now and then make a disc image / clone (ie have a ready-made 64-bit image for putting on a future new computer;

3. do a normal reinstallation using the original disc and licence key (which would obviously be 32-bit) and then upgrade at my leisure to the 64-bit ver. using my purchased licence key.

Does a purchase of a 64-bit key invalidate my original 32-bit key? Can you downgrade from 64 to 32-bit if things go horribly wrong?

I'm sorry if all this sounds a bit repetitive,stupid and newbie-ish but I can't afford to make a mistake here. I don't want to end up messing things up with a legitimate genuine disc that Microsoft may and up thinking is pirated!

If I do any of the three above will re-activation be needed anyway?

I've read some horror stories about this in the past (related to XP activation, if my memory serves me right, and not to version / -bit upgrades); I really don't want any re-activation nightmares, thank you. :) :) :) It's something I really ought to get right first time round. :)

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I love Windows 7 64-bit:

Can I upgrade from a 32-bit version of Windows to a 64-bit version of Windows?



I purchased an extra hard drive for my desktop to put Windows 7 on and purchased a full Windows 7 64-bit CD to avoid upgrade hassles.

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I purchased an extra hard drive for my desktop to put Windows 7 on and purchased a full Windows 7 64-bit CD to avoid upgrade hassles.

Thanks YoKenny for taking the time to respond to my query. I'll check those links out later today. Didn't know you could purchase a 64-bit retail CD.

Can one buy a 64-bit retail version of Vista?

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Can one buy a 64-bit retail version of Vista?

You can, but only through MS I believe, if you purchased the 32 bit retail version you can order the 64 bit DVD from MS for a small shipping fee your Vista version and use your key for it instead, but you can't use the same key to install 2 copies of 7 or Vista, even if one install is 32 and the other is 64. Also, if you purchase a retail copy of Vista Ultimate the package includes both the 32 bit and 64 bit discs.

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@exile360: thank you for your response here; most informative, as always. :(

Also, if you purchase a retail copy of Vista Ultimate the package includes both the 32 bit and 64 bit discs.

Presumably with this you can install either the 32 or the 64-bit version; and if you install the 32-bit one you can then use the other to upgrade. Microsoft wouldn't be so generous as to give you two separate OSes each with their own licence key, now would they? :)

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Correct, you have to pick a version and go with it. Giving you both discs is simply MS offering you the option of choosing 32 or 64 before you install and put in your key. Once Windows is activated that key will only work with that version (whichever you picked, 32 or 64). I wish they gave you 2 keys, one for each version, but sadly, they do not :( .

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