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False Positive - HackForums.net

The well known Computer Security website, HackForums [http://www.hackforums.net] is being blocked by the MalwareBytes Anti-Malware software.

Since many people both use this software and the site, such blocking causes many users to suspect what is actually a perfectly normal site. Hackforums, unlike its name suggests does not have any malicious intent, it is just for discussion of various computer security topics, and some off-topic discussion. The staff of the site work very hard to keep the site free of actual malware, and therefore I don't think flagging the site as 'dangerous' is appropriate.

Please take due action ASAP.

Thank You


Senior HackForums Member.

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Greetings and welcome :(

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the information being presented, but HackForums looks like anything but a security site to me, in fact, it looks more like a security cracking site:


If I'm mistaken I do apologize, and also keep in mind that I am not the individual in charge of the IP Block List, I'm just trying to understand how this is an FP. I'm sure that Mr Burn will respond to this once he's online and explain exactly why that particular IP address is blocked.

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Greetings and welcome :(

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the information being presented, but HackForums looks like anything but a security site to me, in fact, it looks more like a security cracking site:


If I'm mistaken I do apologize, and also keep in mind that I am not the individual in charge of the IP Block List, I'm just trying to understand how this is an FP. I'm sure that Mr Burn will respond to this once he's online and explain exactly why that particular IP address is blocked.

Yes, some of the section names are a little misleading, but if you actually go through the site, you will see that there is nothing malacious to a reader/user.

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Greetings and welcome :(

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the information being presented, but HackForums looks like anything but a security site to me, in fact, it looks more like a security cracking site:


If I'm mistaken I do apologize, and also keep in mind that I am not the individual in charge of the IP Block List, I'm just trying to understand how this is an FP. I'm sure that Mr Burn will respond to this once he's online and explain exactly why that particular IP address is blocked.

It is a completely legitimate site. "White hat" as you might say. The "cracking" of security is mainly for webmasters to get a better understanding about what can be done with a site, and how to prevent it. That site is no more dangerous than this one in any way.

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I am the sites owner. I asked members using MWB to report the problem. Despite the controversial content you may believe the site has that shouldn't matter to the reasons why the site is IP blocked. IP blocks should be for sites containing malicious content that infects users. The fact remains no such content exists on HF. Files are not allowed to be uploaded.

Whether you like or agree with the content of the site should not effect why it's in your IP ban list.

If MWB refuses to remove the block this will get nasty legally. I will also make sure that every user on my site (110k) removes your software and I recommend a competitor. Certainly this is not in yours or my own best interest.

So I ask respectfully that you remove the ban.


MBAM intercepts the packet communications, to determine whether or not the IP address is known for malicious activity, and if so, blocks the communication.

No malicious activity originates from my site. The accusation is offensive and libelous. I expect you to apologize and remove the IP immediately.

I have taken screenshots of this thread for evidence of the accusation.

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Hosted directly by your site or not is completely irrelevant. It's things like this that have gotten you blackholed, and don't try telling me this is strictly to help people - I wasn't born yesterday.



And surely you've not forgotten about this one so quickly, and I quote;

"If you are into exploiting instant messaging systems then we have a perfect forum for you. Post here for AIM hacks and other IM exploits."

Errr, yeah .....

Sorry guys, blackhat is blackhat, and will be treated as such.

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What the contact for you legal representative? I'll have my lawyer straighten this out quickly.

I am sure MWB doesn't want a lawsuit based on this. Don't think I am bluffing either. I am not some child running a skid site.

I run a legit network of sites and you're digging a grave.

I want to speak with someone in charge about this. You might get away with blocking Russian spammers but you won't get away with calling my site malicious and ignoring my request for removal. A subpeona to Godaddy to get your information then a quick trip to the Federal Courthouse to file and it's on. Are you getting my meaning here?

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You can contact me and we will send you our general counsel contact information.

Threats will not be taken lightly.

PM sent requesting the information.

Looking over your License and features of your software you have some severe problems. For one there is no mention of IP blocking or any type of blocking of websites. Users are installing your software which has malicious intent to prevent users from viewing sites without any real criteria. You don't have one word of that in the features or License Agreement. Your software does things the user isn't aware of. That's going to be an issue and you should clean up your act. I am completely outraged over the responses and behavior of MWB.

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