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Help! I'm in a weird predicament. Had some virus issues that gave me the blue screen of death when booting in safe mode, but did allow me to boot in normal mode. Stupidly, I tried to diagnose my own problem and ended up going into msconfig and editing the boot.ini to always start in Safe Mode (why did I do this??). How do I fix this so I can boot in normal mode?


I can get into BIOS ... can I make edits here to fix the problem?

Last known good configuration -- gets me into Safe Mode BSOD.

DELL Inspiron B120


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Hi niftee01,

There are several things you can try.

(1) Boot your computer from your Windows XP CD. When you receive the "Welcome to Setup" message, press R to start the Recovery Console. When you boot into the Recovery Console, you will be in the C:\WINDOWS folder. The boot.ini file is in the C:\ folder so from the C:\WINDOWS prompt type:

cd \ (with the space) to get into C:\

and press Enter

Then rename your boot.ini file to boot.ini.bak by typing:

ren boot.ini boot.ini.bak

and press Enter. Then type exit, and then press Enter to quit the Recovery Console. Your computer will then restart.

This will leave you with no boot.ini, but for most configurations, your system will still boot just fine with no boot.ini file present. It will complain a little about the missing file but if it boots up OK we can fix that afterwards.

If your system does boot up, rename the c:\boot.ini.bak back to c:\boot.ini, so msconfig can find it and then use msconfig to set your computer to boot normally again.

(2) If your computer still doesn't boot up, try the instructions starting from 'RESOLUTION' on this web page:


(3) If none of the above methods work, make a BartPE Boot CD (Instructions are here). And use it to copy your boot.ini file and your boot.ini.bak file to a removable device. Then attach the boot.ini file and the boot.ini.bak file to your next post so I can have a look at them.

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No problem :)

That is a pretty good tool you linked to though :) . Hopefully Kaspersky will get their remaining issues with it sorted (primarily some drivers still needing to be added for certain HDD controllers and a few GUI bugs) so that it can come out of beta.

thanks all for the personalized help!! First step for me will be to hunt down an xp cd so I can take your suggestions. Thanks again!

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