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Help - Windows wont allow login

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My daughter fired up our comptuer today and downloaded a virus.

I ran malware and super antivirus and restarted the computer. Now it gets to the user selection page, and when I select a user it starts logging in and then loge the userback out without opening the users settings. I can't get to the start button to get to the usb drive to download a new antivirus. I tried rebooting the computer to the last successful boot, but only get back to where I was originally.

What do I do?

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Hello sherryndavids, and welcome to Malwarebytes.org

The experts don't work on Malware related problems in the general forums.

Please have a look at the directions here which states the normal procedure for getting help with malware removal. But, as your computer is un-bootable, you will obviously not be able to follow those directions. So please post a NEW topic here and just describe the problem you are having.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someon has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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