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Couple questions...

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Was wondering if theres a set time every day that the database is updated. If there is I was going to set my check for updates at that time or a little after....

The other questions was regarding the IP blocking, how are those addresses determined and are they part of the update database too?


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Was wondering if theres a set time every day that the database is updated. If there is I was going to set my check for updates at that time or a little after....

No, the database gets updated on our end whenever they have something to put in it. That could be twice a day, or 20 times a day. :)

The other questions was regarding the IP blocking, how are those addresses determined and are they part of the update database too?

Yes, our IP Block List is in the database, and at least has the potential of being updated with each new database update (I'm not sure how often Steven has something to change in it).

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