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My Control Panel Has Changed in Appearance -- not good


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I'm baaaaack :D

Instead of the usual blue screen with the nice categories of the control panel options, now I get this white screen with a total jumble of icons. Wha' happened. I hate this. ;)

Could this be because I need more RAM. yes I know I have to do that soon. Sigh.


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Edit: Please answer miekiemoes first and try here suggestion, if your issue is different than what she describes, then move on to my suggestion. Otherwise, simply ignore this post.

Hi again deebee ;)

Please do the following to see if it fixes the problem for you:

Run Dial-a-fix:

  • Please download Dial-a-fix from here and save it to your desktop
  • Extract it and double click Dial-a-fix.exe to run it
  • Under Registration center check the box next to each of the following:

    • Control Panel applets
    • Programming cores/runtimes
    • Explorer/IE/OE/shell/WMP
    • Object linking libraries (OLE)

    [*]Click the GO button on the bottom

Please post back and let me know how it goes.

Thanks :D

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I assume it looks like this?


In that case, select to switch to category view again.

OMG -- Thank YOU so so much. WOW, it worked :) I thought this was a sign the end was near (for my computer). Oh my gosh, I'm so happy. HATED that mish mash. Didn't know I had switched to another category.

Yipeeeee :)

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Edit: Please answer miekiemoes first and try here suggestion, if your issue is different than what she describes, then move on to my suggestion. Otherwise, simply ignore this post.

Hi again deebee :(

Please do the following to see if it fixes the problem for you:

Run Dial-a-fix:

  • Please download Dial-a-fix from here and save it to your desktop
  • Extract it and double click Dial-a-fix.exe to run it
  • Under Registration center check the box next to each of the following:

    • Control Panel applets
    • Programming cores/runtimes
    • Explorer/IE/OE/shell/WMP
    • Object linking libraries (OLE)

    [*]Click the GO button on the bottom

Please post back and let me know how it goes.

Thanks :)

Hi Exile,

Well miekiemoes' version worked. BUT I'm going to save your instructions as I'm sure at some point, they will come in very handy. Thank you so much for bothering. You guys are so amazing. :)

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That's no screenshot from my PC, it's just a screenshot I found on the web, using the "XP category view" searchterm for pictures :(

I'm still very impressed. And thank you so much again. I need to get better acquainted with ALL the things on my computer (about time huh?).


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