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XP Security Center does not detect antivirus

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I apologize if this has been asked before, but a search didn't turn up anything I could use based on the parameters I gave.

Windows XP Pro's Security Center tells me I have no antivirus installed, yet a registered copy of MalwareBytes is installed and running. ;)

Is this normal? If not, how can I make Windows see MalwareBytes and recognize it as an antivirus program?


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Our software is not anti-virus software, and is not meant to replace anti-virus software. It is meant to complement anti-virus software and cover the areas where anti-virus software is weak.

We recommend that you download and install one of the following anti-virus softwares to use with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

Avira's AntiVir:

Microsoft Security Essentials:

If you choose to use Microsoft Security Essentials, then I recommend that you read the information at the following link:


In addition, note that our software does not currently interact with the security center even in versions of Windows (such as Vista) that recognize anti-spyware software.

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