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A friend of mine recently had a problem with some malware on his new computer running windows 7. He ran a scan with Malwarebytes which found 1 registry key infection ( hijack.display properties/bad(1) good(0) ) This was quarantined and deleted. The computer now seems to be running ok.

He says that the only program he opened was Facebook and he didn't download anything. The question is, although he has Malwarebytes and Avast running on his computer neither of them picked up the infection until a scan was done. Is there anything out there that will stop infections from Facebook or the like before it is to late.

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When detected by itself, hijack.display is not usually an infection (especially when on Windows Vista and Windows 7). It's just a detection on the Active Desktop setting, as malware does change that setting. On Vista and 7, that setting is the opposite of Windows XP, and thus we throw a detection on it. It's OK to change it, and it does prevent abuse when we do, but it probably wasn't malicious.

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Also arfamow, regarding Facebook,

Applications should not be used, do not click unknown links, be wary of clicking ANY links in general... Facebook unfortunately is a magnet for malware abuse just because of the sheer popularity of it.

Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thanks :)

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free or paid mbam?

A nice HOSTS file would be good, and SpyBot for its Immunization feature would be good, as well as SpywareBlaster. I can give you links & directions for the latter two if you think he might be interested ;) Both of those work passively to block things before they can come in; HOSTS block bad webpages to begin with, as well as advertisements.

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