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I have a laptop here from a client, an Acer TravelMate 2300

Got mbam-setup.exe from besttechie.net and tried to install it.

While install is running i get a popup about installing Bluetooth software.

Well, i killed that Bluetooth install process and continued installation of MBAM.

Did some other things, restart, when starting MBAM the same Bluetooth software thingy popped up. :)

Bluetooth is alredy installed and working fine.

I decided to uninstall MBAM, and guess what.... Bluetooth install popped up again.

Any idea why this is happening?

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This is usually caused by issues with MSI installer package corruption , if anything that uses MSI has problems you will be prompted (over and over) to reinstall the software .

What we need to know is if this is one machine that this is happening on (no matter how many apps are screwed up) or multiple machines .

If this is one I would be willing to bet that the machine has multiple other issues . I fix PC for a living at my day job and see this all the time . You can use this tool to fix the issue but will need to reinstall the affected software :


If this is on multiple machines I need to know what software is being affected .

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