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Layering security applications

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Having had a friend whose computer became infected with antivir rogue while he was running one of the best AVs Norton, according to several test like AV Comparatives, I decided to run MBAM alongside KIS2010. I am also running Win Patrol and SAS Pro.

I am going to discontinue running SAS real time, and use it on-demand.

There are those who say that running an AV or suite along with an application like MBAM is overkill and may lead to problems including lack of detection if malware attempts to penetrate the computer protection.

So I have two questions for those who are knowledgeable (I am not.)

Do you consider KIS MBAM and Win Patrol all in real time overkill?

Can someone provide some documentation or real world experience where running an AV and AM applications in real time has caused problems in detection or protection?

I do find that many of the AVs/suites forums claim that there is no need for any other security application to run in real time. As far as I am concerned my friend's experience disputes that claim.

Regards and thanks,


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Hi Jerry,

I run Avast Pro 4.8.1368 and MBAM 1.43 (resident) without any problem.

My setup is Window$ XP Pro SP3, PC Tools Firewall Plus, Firefox 3.5.6, NoScript, Adblock Plus 1.1.2, Dr. Web anti-virus link checker 1.0.21 and Finjan secure browsing 1.314.

Although I am not an expert, I personally recommend all of the above. I have not had one single virus, piece of spyware or other malicious software.

Hope that helps and most importantly - stay away from the porn! :-)


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Hi JerryM -

Please read the link below from our FAQ section that shows how to incorporate your A/Virus while running Malwarebytes Anti Malware program -


EDIT - Item #3 deals with any Kaspersky issues -

At times you need to make exclusions to your A/V to allow MBAM to run uninterupted as some A/Vs recognise any other program as undesired -

Please look for any posting by exile360 and you will find he runs Kaspersky real time with MBAM real time and SAS pro - He has run these for quite a while with very little problems - Malwarebytes can safely coexist with almost any antivirus etc. -

Vista Ultimate x64 SP2, UAC On, KAV 2010, MBAM Pro, SAS Pro, Windows Defender, Spybot S&D Immunization, HostsMan, SpywareBlaster, IESPYAD for ZonedOut, Vista Firewall Control x64 Pro, Behind hardware firewall . - Listed (underlined) is his signature with the programs that he runs side by side -

Thank You - :welcome:

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Hi noknojon,

First, I like your avatar. I do not think that is you, and I bet you are not so cute. :welcome:

Thanks for the info. So far I am not finding any problem with the combination, although I think I will run only MBAM and Win Patrol real time with KIS 2010.

I will take a look at Exile 360's posts.



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Hello JerryM :)

Well, I have an Internet Security Suite, Mbam paid, SpywareBlaster, SpyBot Immunization, and a HOSTS file w/ HostsMan. :welcome:

They all work very nicely together.

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Hello JerryM :)

Well, I have an Internet Security Suite, Mbam paid, SpywareBlaster, SpyBot Immunization, and a HOSTS file w/ HostsMan. :welcome:

They all work very nicely together.

Hi mountaintree,

I realize that two AVs or two software firewalls will conflict, but I wonder if the conflicts between other applications or with others and AVs are not overblown, and folks quoting what others had said.

I would like some data or tests that indicate that MBAM for instance really conflicts with any AV or if in the event of an attempted penetration there was a conflict that permitted the infection due to a conflict between the AV and anti-malware applications. I would accept experiences that would verify that it is a problem.

I have not found that my systems show a conflict between SAS Pro, MBAM and several AVs to include Avira, KIS, Avast, and F-Secure.

It seems that the AV vendors like to claim that their AV suites do not need any layering, but I am not convinced. It is pretty well established that AVs are not designed to detect all malware, and that is where something like MBAM is needed.



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Greetings :welcome:

First off, MBAM is not an AV, it's an anti-malware software, the key difference between how it works and how an AV works is on-access scanning, something your AV does, but MBAM does not. MBAM only scans items on execution, meaning whenever they attempt to run, by that time your AV has already scanned the file so if it got past your AV and MBAM detects it there will be no conflict.

The key here is understanding how your various security tools work and how they make a detection, and also how easily they allow for a detection to be excluded should they detect the same item. I've had it happen with Windows Defender and MBAM where they both detected an item at the same time and each allows me to exclude so that I can have the other remove the detected item. Kaspersky (my AV) always makes the detection first before the other two are even able to see it if it is recognized as an infection, thus avoiding conflicts. Many AV's don't allow exclusions so easily though, thus a lockup can occur when 2 AV's make a simultaneous detection on an item and both try to delete it, the result is a frozen system and a piece of malware that can't be deleted because both AV's are holding it at the same time and won't let go.

Another potential cause of conflicts with AV's is the low-level drivers they use that run very early in the boot process. Having two or more AV's installed, even if not running at bootup, can cause issues because their drivers still load, kernel level drivers used to try and detect and catch infections. They serve similar purposes and can often fight for resources and sometimes caus blue screen errors due to them trying to occupy the same space in memory and access the same items at system start. If you haven't had any conflicts you're very lucking considering what you're running together, but it may not always be so should you come across something that 2 or more of your AV's detect.

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MBAM was designed to work flawlessly with other products and shouldn't cause any problems. You should be safe running MBAM and WinPatrol. I personally have never had any problems with MBAM and Winpatrol. Exile is more knowledgeable about kaspersky so go with his thoughts as I have no experience.

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