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  • Root Admin

This is a complete rewrite in C++. It will allow for increased portability and faster processing. A lot of bugs have been fixed. The following restrictions apply:

1. Command line parameters are still not ready.

2. No application icon.

3. No banner at the top.


Please do not distribute this link. It is a forum members only beta. Anybody interested in creating an icon or banner, feel free to (hint, hint). This is beta software. Use at your own risk.

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  • Root Admin
Ron, what was the hook that Unlocker noticed?

I used Microsoft / Sysinternals ProcessExplorer to locate what was locking the file and it was the very top SYSTEM (which is a bit ambiguous since many items launch under that) not sure how to fully trace it down to a specific DLL hook at this time. Will need to research more.

You may find it on your own system or one there in your area, it's even here on my home system XP Pro w/SP2. In all my systems it starts as SF??????.TMP



ATTRIB *.TMP (then should see it)



If you have or know of a method to track down to the specific DLL that would be great as ProcessExplorer doesn't seem to be able to do that in this case.

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