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Don't have much technical data on what it was then or now, but in the past I'd gotten buried by the Win 2009 virus, probably the 2008 version before that. Now another one that dumped tons of regenerating files onto the hard drive and offers a free scan to clear out the virus. Malware was the only program that identified and fixed the problem.

Have been using the free AVG and Avira softwares that recognized some of the virus but was powerless to remove them.

Saved again by Malware Bytes. Cleaned everything off.

Funny thing is that I hadn't installed the program for a year or so and wanted to do a net search for the site to get the latest updates. Firefox and Google would throw up warning flags no matter how I tried to approach the website, and blocked access with the "get me out of here" button the only functional tab.

I had to install an old version and use the programs update function to get to Malware's site. Once the virus was cleaned out, site access was normal.

This has got to have some of the virus creators running scared if they have to program in a block attempt against the one program they know will take them down.

Thanks Malware,



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Hi John -

Thanks for that - We love support feedback from users who spend a bit of time with Malwarebytes removing hard problems with success -

Please now always keep it on the desktop and do regular updates - We now update up to 3 times every day to ensure the bad guys are kept out -

Also scan our Self Help areas and Pinned FAQ areas that give tips on removal and fixes - I hope you are only using one Antivirus program at a time to avoid any conflicts or "in built" problems that may occur (AVG or Avira) - We prefer Avira as it works well with Malwarebytes -

Thank You - :)

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Hi John -

Thanks for that - We love support feedback from users who spend a bit of time with Malwarebytes removing hard problems with success -

Please now always keep it on the desktop and do regular updates - We now update up to 3 times every day to ensure the bad guys are kept out -

Also scan our Self Help areas and Pinned FAQ areas that give tips on removal and fixes - I hope you are only using one Antivirus program at a time to avoid any conflicts or "in built" problems that may occur (AVG or Avira) - We prefer Avira as it works well with Malwarebytes -

Thank You - :)

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Thanks for the reply and welcome. I'd abandoned AVG after ver 8 came out because of the false positives that were taking out valid programs, and have been using Avira alone for awhile.

I'll definitely keep the program up to date to handle the hard tasks, and will have to register the program in the new year, since it has proven its worth in more than one crisis.



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Thanks for the reply. I was probably unclear, but only used AVG first but then migrated to Avira after uninstalling AVG. Tried several years ago to run multiple antivirus programs and had each program identifying the other as a virus. Like said, not a good idea.



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