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I was just wondering if Malwarebytes Anti-Malware also detects and removes rogue programs like Rogue Remover does?

If it doesn't then I would like to suggest that Rogue Remover should be inter graded into Malwarebytes Anti-Malware just like FileASSASSIN is.

It would also be nice to have RegASSASSIN inter graded. All in one program instead of having separate programs.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an excellent program, very good work guys.

Thanks. ;)

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  • Root Admin
Yes, MBAM detects a lot of the same rogue programs RogueRemover does. However, RogueRemover detects some of the extremely rare ones as well.

Okay, so then why have 2 different programs. Curious why, seems like it should all be taken care of in the same program, just add an option switch if people don't want to remove other programs.

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