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I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right area but I just bought a new computer and downloaded malwarebytes for it. When I did an initial scan I was shocked to find that it was infected with malware called "PUP.Optional.Booking". The thing is that I haven't used the computer for anything except going onto the malwarebytes website and downloading the program!

I thought maybe this might have been a pre-installed program loaded onto Windows by the manufacturer. Just to be safe, I quarantined the file.

Does anyone know much about this PUP? I've removed it from the computer, should I change my passwords as well?   

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1 hour ago, Steve491 said:

Does anyone know much about this PUP? I've removed it from the computer


1 hour ago, Steve491 said:

should I change my passwords as well?   

No need.

1 hour ago, Steve491 said:

I thought maybe this might have been a pre-installed program loaded onto Windows by the manufacturer. Just to be safe, I quarantined the file.

It is MFG junk.

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  • Staff

Unfortunately, even brand new computers can contain software preloaded by the manufacturer that is considered bloatware or potentially unwanted (PUP). From your description, it does not sound like a serious matter (I have no reason to suspect any passwords, etc., are compromised), but quarantining with Malwarebytes and running regular scans with Malwarebytes is definitely the way to go.

Thank you for being a valued customer, and we wish you all the best.

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