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false positive for my new game file: Malware.AI.3786805286

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Hi, I submitted a game runner exe file to virustotal, and it came up positive with malwarebytes as Malware.AI.3786805286. I downloaded Malwarebytes trial for mac, dumped the file in the applications folder, and did a general scan on my drive, it didn't come up positive, though I don't know if the file was even scanned, as there was no way to scan it individually, which is why I put it in a directory I thought would be scanned. The file is a win32 exe. Since I use parallels on an Arm64 machine, I had to use the mac version of your software. Attached is the zip with the offending file, including the batch code that it was compiled from using advanced bat to exe converter. The file is signed with an SSL.com certificate. Offending file:

Escape From Briarwood Hospital.exe




Please look into this. Since the software didn't detect it, there is no way to give you a log file. The exe is simply a game launcher for a Quest 5.8 text adventure (https://textadventures.co.uk/quest).

Thank you.

-charles chadwick


escape from briarwood hospital-exe and bat code.zip

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