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My renewal reminder said Plus would be $79.99. I wanted to upgrade. Adding Ultimate seemed to add $19.66. However when I went to payment screen I have paid $319.99! There seems to be no way to preview what one is ordering or renewing or upgrading until you actually make payment. On a separate tab I tried looking up plan prices and nowhere did I find the cost to be what I paid.  What is the REAL cost of renewing/upgrading to Malwarebytes Ultimate for IOS on 3 devices for one year?

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25 minutes ago, susangio said:

What is the REAL cost of renewing/upgrading to Malwarebytes Ultimate

How many devices was your original subscription good for? It looks like you have a 3-device subscription.

79.99 is the regular cost of Plus for 3 devices and 319.99 is the cost for Ultimate for 3 devices.


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Yes you are correct, my subscript was Plus for 3 devices last year and renewal said That would be $79.99. So from what you say, looks like I paid the correct price to upgrade to Ultimate for 3 devices. phew! spendy jump. ouch. Website needs to be 'way more clear. 

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