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post #2 about win7 schedule scan bug

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Apparently I'll have to re post this again because it has been up sine Nov 23 and has 67 views but 0 responses. So here it goes.

I upgraded to Win7 and ever since the schedule scan does not happen and there is no log of the scan in the log section. A manual quick scan run fine so it must be something in the scheduler and Win7 support. An update is scheduled at 5am and a quick scan is scheduled for 6am everyday. but in the mornings my system is completely locked up after 6am and will not allow any new apps to open, or even allow a reboot. The only fix is to kill the power at the tower and restart.

When I turn off all of Mbam protection the system runs fine and allows everything to open and run fine. So I guessing it is a Win7 support issue.

There is also a bug in the logging or the way Mbam identifies the windows version in the log because according to the logs it still detects Windows Vista. Here is a paste from my most current manual quick scan.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.41

Database version: 3246

Windows 6.1.7600

Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385

Hopefully I will get a response to this re post because I really want to have MBAM runing in the background again. Thanks for your time.


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I noticed even though I turned it off in the program that the service for it was still starting so I disabled that also admin tools. I don't have the paid version of mbam so I'm probably not much help but just throwing out an idea.

I disabled it it services too. Thanks for the reply tho. =) Your the first one to reply to either of the post. =)

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