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How to stop my subscription for Identity Theft Protection?

Go to solution Solved by Porthos,

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Dear friends at Malwarebytes,

I started about one year ago with the new Identity Theft Protection service, but I got confused about what it could do for me. It was for sure a nice offer when it was released and new users could upgrade for a nice price. So I decided to try it, but I fear that I bought a service that won't be useful to the simple user I am...

Besides that, the renewal is much too expensive for me. I now would need to pay about €280 for one year for my Malwarebytes Select subscription. That is really too much...

How can I downgrade my subscription so that it still would be Premium Security + Privacy VPN? That is all I really need...

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Kind greetings, Henri

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for my late reaction.
I will try to take contact support as suggested by Porthos.

But clicking on the link behind "How to contact support", i.e. https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/28565532532371-How-to-contact-Malwarebytes-support results in an error as shown below:



Clicking on the "Support" option in tyhe top of the screen, i.e. going to https://support.malwarebytes.com/ results in the same error...

How can I get help from Support if it is not accessible? Help?

Remark: the IP address is the one that is produced by my Malwarebytes VPN... How does it come that is blocked for support?

Kind greetings,

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Thank you, Porthos.
Yes, it was so simple... just renewing the IP address was enough to resolve the problem...

I will take contact with support and hope to receive a good advice for my situation. :-)

Again, kind greetings.


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