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will kis2010 work with vista, and internet explorer 8?


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You might look for similar threads in the KL forum that I linked to to see if others have reported it, and if you can't find one, you can create one and simply ask for the opinions of others as I'm sure there are plenty of users running that configuration who can give you their input on whether or not they've had issues with it.

I haven't read the reviews, but it is also entirely possible that the Amazon user(s) in question misdiagnosed the issue, as one of the reasons I don't use IE8 is because of its slow performance when using the Immunize function in Spybot Search & Destroy along with the protection of Spywareblaster because it doesn't properly handle large numbers of sites in the Restricted Sites list, which is one of the ways their protections work. It is a known issue, and has only partially been resolved by Microsoft, but not completely.

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