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Adam Brock

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This program is detected as Trojan.Generic, but it's actually a legitimate component of a utility from Symantec (Cleanwipe) designed to remove traces of Symantec Endpoit Protection when uninstalls fail.

The tool can only be obtained from tech support, but I can provide you a copy if it would help in further analysing the file.

Virustotal actually reports 12/41, but I'm confident this file isn't a trojan.


Please let me know if I can provide more info.


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The hits on VT are caused by the same things we detect , this file is constructed just like multiple trojans . Since this file could be used in an attack and the only people that will ever be using this are experts and this is a tool that is not designed to be a resident application setting it to ignore is the right way to deal with detection .

In short simply fixing this will only help a handful of experts while delisting thousands of trojans .

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